Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Letter To Health Canada

Today it is a familiar process. Hire a lobby to define a fear no matter how unlikely, and demand government "protection". The government that hired them gives in and sets up control. As quick as a wink your rights disappear as if by magic, with the talking heads in the media telling you what a great thing the government has done. protecting us against our own choices and freedoms.
People keep marveling at the density of their neighbors heads, in wonderment of what is happening around them,. it isn't so difficult to understand, if you see the con for what it is. A process that undermines and eliminates all of the powers, we used to share in the Canadian Constitution.
The constitution is your only power over government. When the government "protects" us, or our children, The government in reality takes control of us.

I wrote this letter two weeks ago.

To date I received no response from the numerous Government officials and agencies who received it including Health Canada.


I am at odds to see a distinction between a conference Board of Canada report and a similar finding announced in 1939 in Germany.. The document in question on the Health Canada website can be found at this link

Summary Table 1 - The Annual Cost of Employing Smokers (1995 $ per employee)
Cost Factor                                                               Cost
Increased absenteeism                                                   $230
Decreased productivity                                                  $2,175
Increased life insurance premiums                                   $75
Smoking area costs                                                         $85

Source: The Conference Board of Canada.

And a sample of the other discussion which seems to have absolute conformity can be found at wiki, among many other places where human rights and autonomy rights are the focus.

"This poster (from around 1938) reads: "60,000 Reichsmark is what this person suffering from a hereditary defect costs the People's community during his lifetime. Fellow citizen, that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine of the Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP."

If Health Canada and all of it's experts depict smoking as an addiction. It can not be argued it is not a medical condition. If it is a medical condition; hatred, isolation, taxes and funding hate groups, is not in compliance with the way other medical conditions are treated in this country, notwithstanding these identical "treatments" beyond informed consent, are well known to have existed in one place in history alone, the place that invented without any form of medical oversight or opinion, the fears and danger of tobacco smoke. Within an identical promotion complete with nearly identical slogans and emotionally manipulative talking points. The very essence of the negative connotation, of the word Propaganda as it is now understood.

If in fact Health Canada under the funded lobby group campaigns known officially as "De-normalization" is not in fact involving itself in dehumanization, one would have to look very hard to see any remote sign of distinction. This article and the need seen to create it, takes away all possibilities of denial. Is it the belief that the "common good" as defined by Health Canada employees for what ever reasons they form those beliefs, should be achieved beyond all moral restraint and measures of ethical values?

This campaign financed with the public purse is repulsive and disgusting to me. It is a promotion clearly defined to achieve the diminished existence of human rights, autonomy rights and security of the person
By a Government acting as a bully, setting an example to entitle other bullies. It is a promotion of hatred and bigotry, so vile that it approaches the hatred that existed in support of another paternalist regime, that cost millions, and many of them Canadian, lives to extinguish. To even recognize a Canadian Government involved in this activity sickens me and demands I stand in contempt of this Government and it's hires and will make every effort to assure that good and moral Canadians understand, what it is you are doing, in hopes that they will see it in numbers and demand criminal prosecutions under hate crimes legislation and human rights abuses. laws clearly describing your current activities.

I hear all the time from Government financed and community divisive Lobby groups, that "a smokers rights end at the tip of a non smoker's nose." This, in recognition of the fact that all of our rights are contained in the same document; disguises the fact, that where ever a smoker's rights end, so do all rights end. If this is the governments intention to dilute or eliminate the Constitution while providing Billions of dollars from the public purse, to achieve those goals, by Political promotions in the one party fake Liberal media; This Government is criminal and this form of government should not stand.

I remember reading in the first convention of tobacco control at Health Canada's website. A discussion of paid lobby groups with the Health Ministry, who are tax exempted as "charities" or "non profit foundations" While funded by the government for their efforts with funding today provided to the Government, primarily by their victims. As a discussion of mean spirited acts that the lobby groups would engage in, one comment stuck in my memory. "This will make smokers mad and force the government to come in as an honest broker to intervene". Clearly this is no longer available on the website as it was then, however the minutes of that meeting are public property and under the access of information act, they should be available to any inquiry. This is evidence of intent and conspired activity, that defines the goal of Government to divide communities in order to promote a need for government intervention.

Paternalist Protections require that Government take control. Which would entail by bigoted means, an elimination of personal rights. McGuintyism as it is known is the more deviant fine print extreme of McCarthyism, encompassed an identical methodology, to undermine personal rights and freedoms in all of the Ontario Government ministries

As a current example, with the new Metro-links ad campaigns, by a group who advertise themselves as a government "advisory board" the Government is currently utilizing the same strategy, of deceptive advertising and scarevertizing, as entitlement of a project, to supposedly eliminate congestion on the roads. With the first advisement without any quotes in hand, any form of plan, or list of projects "the cost at 40 billion dollars" was the first statement made, and the only consistent goal presented. Similar to government funded research studies, within a regime of absolute publication biases in the medical journals, statistical research with a consistent outcome signifies corruption of process, while virtually all Government funded "studies" have a conclusion stated, before, the public purse investments in that research is made.

Encroachments of personal rights and freedoms in the form of smoking bans, in place of more respectful signs on the door, allowing autonomy and choice and the retention of private property management, in the hands of those who own those properties. Is now a keystone of the example set at the federal level, providing an anti-autonomy process, ballooning exponentially across all government ministries.

*The taking of personal property, jail and suspensions of licenses, before a trial as an inconsistent application of speed limit laws.

*Drunk driving convictions with breath samples below the level anyone would be intoxicated,

*The CVOR legislation which demand tasks be provided, without compensation and a fine for doing those tasks in ways that do not meet any sparsely trained examiners expectations.

*Labor laws demanding micro-managed licensing of all the abilities, of any single trade, at a large expense in maintaining those licenses, with a consistent fine, taking of a right to earn a living and possible jail time for non compliance.

*All within a presumption of guilt, a denial of adult competence or mature cognitive ability.

*Propped up by slogans "there is no such thing as an accident", or at the Ministry of transport, declaring the Ministry of Transport as a kingdom, above the constitution or the courts, with the statement that "driving is not a right but a privilege" granted therein.

* Add in, as demonstrated by the PST HST and GST laws, the government's position that work is not recognized as legal property, and even if it is, property, no rights exist to protect one's property against government seizures, So free work [as slavery] can be demanded and by the examples set, would now withstand a constitutional challenge. Leaving Governments of the belief that compensation is not required, in spite of a history of supreme court decisions to the contrary.

All of these examples clearly indicate, the Government sees our rights as an obstacle and undeserved. Governments at all levels are purchasing politics by expansive wedge based ad campaigns, in pursuit of power and control, clear attacks and diminishment of personal rights to the highest possible degree.

*With "earned media" singing along, in exchange for the continuation of those purchases, If it restricts our rights and freedoms Payola depicts that Governments can never be wrong.

All the media representations are heralding the "WE" campaign this week, a fortuitous encroachment of political encroachments on our children's education systems. With promotions right in our classrooms, the one place where children should be taught how to think and not what. With promotion in attendance at a teen idol, musical concert, where you can't buy a ticket you have to "earn it " agreeing to support the industrial socialist and fascist ideals of it's promoters. With the knowledge that if you can subvert a generation of children, you can control the politics of the next. This should be seen as an act being challenged, as unethical and harmful to a child's natural development, not cheered by the talking heads.

Does Health Canada or the larger Public Health "Movement" [or cult] have an image or persona they will soon be placing on my door for salute or daily rituals, whenever I enter that door? Or is the fact that I still have a door, now an offense to your sensibilities and Public Health directives as well?

Health groups are divining the obese and smokers and any number of innocent law abiding citizens as targets, assigned for future "campaigns" at the financially corrupted World Health Organization. In support only of, for profit "stakeholder partners", any search on the internet of the word "Dehumanization" leads us to the undeniable conclusion, that Public Health, The medical Charities and Medicine [who define the majority of people as a disease requiring treatment] in Canada, are standing in a mad man's shoes, while promoting their risk adverse cast designated self sanctimony, as protective benevolent and holy, just as he did.

With expenditures topping 100 Billion Dollars in Canada, by the anti-smoker movement alone, in support of Social engineering, community divisive hate campaigns and the reams of statistical nonsense, produced over the past decade?. For every one Billion dollars you loose the opportunity to invest in 1000, million dollar investigations in real medical research and science, while those researchers who are currently starved for funding, would gladly trade a limb for that level of funding. Dealing with real disease and health risk reductions in the physical world, beyond social engineering, and the bold print dividing us upon ourselves, by elimination of human rights and autonomy, emotional manipulations, playing up ignorance as evidence from a materialist perspective alone, contrasted with allowing people to retain their rights security, dignity and position, as government employers,

No longer governed by Public Servants. It is the People who are now described by "Public health professionals" as a litany of  "disgusting" diseases.

One hundred thousand opportunities lost to date and not one person served.

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