Saturday, June 28, 2008

Do we fear the smoke, or the freedom?

The controversy of second hand smoke could be ended quickly by a simple act of legislation. Anyone presenting information represented as “science” or “health reliant” information, which is later found to be false or misleading, would be rewarded with a mandatory ten year jail sentence. And yes I do believe the punishment fits the crime, but only because I have a forgiving nature.

I can guarantee the bandwagon of promoted smoker hatred and fat pandemics would end overnight and the profiteers would be making deals in self preservation, convicting each other. Similar to the last time their ilk rose to prominence and Doctors were hanged at Nuremberg. The laws of Autonomy created in the wake of one of history’s most horrific tragedies, are largely being minimized by the bigots and zealots of Public Sector Healthism, they are laws we found at the expense of millions who died without them. No one has the right to make or deceptively coerce those health choices for others and no one has a right to demand rights to the detriment of others, especially with the convenience of a popular lie, as we find in the "toxic effect of second hand smoke". A theoretic invention promoted in gossip empowering gossip, which absolutely finds no consistency in real physical science.

Governments who seek to hide cigarettes from sight or remove smoking from movies and cartoons are consistent with the well known phrase “sweeping their embarrassments under the carpet”. The fact remains their own lack of credibility and consistency, is the largest reason most people smoke today. The fact the product remains on the shelf, despite their assertion the health risk of it’s aroma, is well beyond the harmful nature of mustard gas, is only consistent with the moral deficits of taxing an addiction. Punitive taxation to the point it creates budgetary receipts and projections, at triple the cost of treating all, of the so called “smoking related disease” in all of community, regardless of where those harms actually originate. The diesel buses of public transit certainly are no cause for concern. If we were to enact a legislation to outlaw air miles cards which promote one of the largest contributions to pollution in our environments we would be promoting public safety. If we outlawed the use of mercury filled light bulbs, which are currently destined [by fraudulent environmentalist, posing as light bulb salespeople] to add thousands of gallons of mercury and phosphorous chemicals into the landfills and our watersheds. We would be protecting public health and the environment.

Smoking bans are punishment not protection, as the Ontario Premier admitted numerous times publicly, in advance of the smoker bans “smokers better get out their carrot sticks or be punished.” [Normally a responsibility of the courts] Punishment is being used as a tool for illegal acts of coercion. The use of government authority, to force personal autonomous decisions out of their range of government jurisdiction, in respect to the management of ones own body.

Which of the following is thought to be true?

1] A woman has a right to an abortion based in autonomy rights, or

2] Rape is really just an inconvenience.

Both can not be consistent with each other, and neither can be consistent with taxing an addiction or implementing smoking bans in place of a sign on the door, which affords choice.

When governments foolishly tread into regions, of restricting autonomous decisions, that footprint, by international law has to leave the least amount of impression possible, to achieve a stated goal or suit a significant need, while at the same time being extremely careful, to not diminish or jeopardize the universal importance of those fundamental rights. Signs as warnings fit that description as do designated smoking areas. Smoking bans by the redefinition of public spaces, eliminating without compensation, a right to property and its management, does not leave the least intrusion possible, it is being applied to the maximum possible intrusion, as a punishment, to the detriment of those laws and the rights they support.

Further amendments to anti smoker legislation are seen clearly, to further intrude on personal rights, to the maximum level possible or imagined by the pitchfork and lantern cabal, of partnered lobbies promoting them. Moving decisively, a step at a time toward management of your home and your body as though they were owned property of the state.

The paternalists have the control of the press and can be easily shown for the frauds they actually represent. If you were to light a cigarette in the Ontario or Quebec Legislatures, does anyone seriously believe it would set off a panic and rush to the door, of politicians fearing for their lives? Would the police arrest you wearing gas masks and protective suits and dutifully charge you with attempted murder or political assassinations? Or do we as reasonable people see anti smoking laws, as a convenience, to suit the comfort of the majorities today, who enjoy the unearned profits taken from their minority victims, who are being forced to pay the health costs associated by statistics alone, to smoking by a majority of smokers who existed in our past?

Ontario Public Health Minister George Smitherman used one of his favorite sound bites, to explain how growing federal transfers, are being dumped into general revenues, while medical patients continue to suffer by callous indifference, “all things affect public health, so investment in roads, are issues of public health”.

I have to say he got it partially right; all things people do, affect public health. What few realize is; society by focusing on that statement can be enslaved by public health protectionists. The forces of discrimination led by another government lobby group; the Eugenics Society and now the Galton Institute, currently partnered and a leader in policy making at the United Nations, World health Organization, once sought to protect the gene pool with best babies contests and race enabled theoretic research, progressing to, direct government actions, delegating the value of personal rights, below that of “the greater good”. Action was represented by castration of “Jews and imbeciles” sold as their empowerment of creating the perfect race. Later Hitler riding on that very bandwagon, sold his “protections” claiming he was going to save the world and improve the excellence of the human condition. Some of his followers at the time believed he was owed a Nobel Peace Prize. The power of the message was so ingrained into society, it resides to this day in something we call bigotry and something I call multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism a word no one had ever experienced or given much thought to, in Canada, prior to it’s inclusion in our Constitution. Multiculturalism as a catchy Politically Correct, inspirational euphemism, defines us as many groups and denies our ability to be one. Promotions of sustaining division based on race can never be more than the precise definition of racism. Sadly the authors of our constitution failed to understand and respect the fact Canadians were until the moment of the signing; a race unique unto themselves, who had until that moment existed in unity as one nation and one race we knew, and the world knew as Canadians.

I tell young people today stories of my youth and they stare in amazed disbelief, when hearing of a time a family with seven kids was raised by a cab driver in Cabbage town. A working guy who supported his wife and family, owned his own house and a cottage. While the pile of presents under the Christmas tree [A term I still use, in spite of anyone who claims to be insulted] often extended beyond the confines of our living room. We jumped our bicycles over ditches fearlessly without helmets or elbow pads, yes we broke bones, skinned our knees and all of us survived, none the worse for the wear. We had fights with bullies and sometimes we even won. No one had a knife or gun in their pockets in search of revenge, when it was over the matter was settled often resulting in a handshake and I don’t recall anyone “psychologically traumatized” for life, as a result of the experience. But we were obviously built with a much harder shell back then. In a time no one thought it prideful to be seen as the victim of the week. The amazing thing, with almost no punishments being enforced for not paying your taxes, most paid dutifully and proudly paid because we actually saw value for an insignificant and meager investment, something few of us who don't own media outlets or Insurance companies can claim today.

The past three decades have seen an importing of political support through immigration, while the dead beat dad’s campaign and promotion of non traditional families, criminalized parenting. Two significant sales campaigns alone which changed the landscape of Canadian politics, to one more subservient to socialist values. By restrictions on hate speech, we have attempted to avoid the voicing of derogatory racist statements, which the importers expected and sought to avoid. Sadly although people are restricted in what they are allowed to say in public, the divisions of Multiculturalism will always inspire that hatred, in the consciousness of jealousy and mistrust among groups of people separated, by demands of political divisions. We are witnessing increasing incidences of turf wars and ghettos dividing our streets, servicing the political monopoly control game, of playing defined groups against each other. Disputes are promoted and their self serving solutions are depicted, standing on soap boxes taking credit for fine humanitarian efforts, which ignore that the victor has taken a right by denying freedom.

Hypocrisies and inconsistent political policies were formed, primarily by our Constitution, which demands our division with no mention of a right to property or safeguard defense against criminal government regimes. Many people who lived in oppression having no clear perspective of an alternative, were lured to Canada by the inclusive reputation earned in our past. Similarly the younger generations today have never experienced the superior quality of life and freedom which formed our pride and reputation. A place as Martin Luther King described in his dream, that place or a very close representation of it, actually existed in a time when the Government was of the people and reflected the people who were Canadians.

The Majority of young people today never witnessed the power and the freedoms we once enjoyed before the fears of society were exaggerated in promotion of paternalist governments. A time when we were confident to rely upon each other and the basic tenant; people when not driven to something less, are basically good and caring and respectful of each other. Such a society does not have to purchase alarm systems or lock their doors when mowing the lawn. Or do they suspect negative intent, when a stranger says hello, while walking past you on the street.

Police are no longer an integrated part of community greeted with genuine respect. Largely they are now seen as an armed force, that send fear into people, making them nervous, simply by their sight. Today far too many law abiding people would consider themselves as guilty of some unknown criminal act, by automatic impulse, even if a police officer simply needed to ask them the time of day. That should tell you Police and Justice Systems have grown by our micromanagement of each other, to a force to fear and dread as opposed to our champions and protectors. They are now our mothering agents of robotic perfection. Their motivations for not giving in to the empathy of understanding which would make them a part of community, are found in competitive career pathways and the modernization, of the equipment they are given to perform that micromanagement of communities. Both appeasements rely on their level of criminal convictions, as a numeric expectation, evaluating their worth. Evaluations of competence by political mood, long ago ruled out the more humane side of policing. One which included the expectation of innocence and an opinion; does the punishment truly fit the crime in all cases?

It always instills a feeling, of something not quite right, and not as an embarrassment, rather as a feeling of resentment, when being dressed down by a police officer half your age, as though they were speaking to a careless child, being scolded for something as trivial [in a real world perspective] as not wearing a seat belt or a bicycle helmet.

In a free society people accept the risks of their own actions and govern themselves accordingly with respect, that those freedoms are the very tenet of values, which make society strong, productive and confident. Equally important a unified community, who are allowed the freedom of their opinions and politics based in thousands of years of historical grown values, not the deflating features of ad agency spin, supported by focus groups for maximum effect and crafted opinion polls promoting false perspectives. Those who tell us we are not happy with where we are, as a promotion of change, are always lacking of an opinion, in where we might go instead. That lack of planning, and has left us all in a lesser place today, as the prisons of communities continue to grow, with a path back to community values in unity, are thought to be too embarrassing to consider.

Poll sitting governments can always appear to be popular, defined by the wording of the polls they purchase and later forward to us in the form of press releases. One has to assume they are receiving good value for their money and make choices of vendors, based on the value and worth they apply to what they purchase.

The self same pollsters and profiteers, who market the wisdom of the people, reside in ad agencies, such as we witnessed in the sponsorship scandal, which the media, doing some damage control of their own, portrayed a unique crime which only existed in Quebec. Separating by sensationalism and guided focus, the related [although not officially linked] gun registry program.

We remember Gun Registry? Inflated ridiculously from the original cost estimates, in search of acceptance, it was to going be acceptable, to make our farmers into a new raft of “potential criminals”. Costs of promotion soared from two million to two billion and still people resisted vehemently. Hardly in our Auditor General Sheila Frasier’s terms “good value for money spent”.

The expenditures of smoking bans and fat pandemics dwarf that of gun registry, public sector political expenditures, which will always raise the suspicion of kickbacks, in a direct monetary sense or in a washing of each others backs, by joining common interests, among all the media groups with their more than apparent “small L [wink] political perspectives” and a government, who invented Social Marketing campaigns at Health Canada, purchasing sponsorship style politics from those same vendors. Do we expect now, the corrupted perspective of criminal impropriety, can be explained away by the common news anchor defeatist opinion “what are you going to do? It’s the government.”

Similarly the ad campaigns purchased by Health Canada directly or through paid Lobbies [who can go where the government fears to go publicly] are defined as “Social Marketing” which divines Healthism campaigns which parallel a government theft of our rights and freedoms as a coercive underbelly in unnamed consequences. Of intrusion into autonomy rights or the governing of one’s own body, we impose upon ourselves while railing for bandwagons which restrict the choices of others.

Foolishly we believe as a standard and a promotional example, we will not similarly restrict ourselves and allow those intrusions, by governments to continue, anywhere they decide to shore up their power over communities, with the thought now lost; they represent us, more than we represent them.

As efficiencies of systems improve and the level of personal earnings decreases, as aggressive taxation takes larger and larger proportions of what you earn, a growing level of normal people, are now judged as criminals. Normally honest hard working people, who only seek to stay ahead of their bills and live a modest life, providing food and shelter for their dependents. For many, that existence is now entirely dependent on the amount of those earnings they can hide from the government, avoidance and fear of detection, making them fearful, tortured and depressed, which causes a rising level of Health deficits, requiring more efficient means of decreasing the costs, through more severe restrictions and impositions into our freedoms and our evaporating quality of life. The Tax man's reputation is being used to sell legal agency, by revealing the oppressive nature of governments, in the level of oppressive power, exerted against anyone who can not afford to pay a tax related debt.

We afford the largest most profitable businesses in the nation, self regulation and forgiveness in dealing with much larger debts owed by those who can afford to pay those debts. We allow them to avoid most of their tax debt, by charitable contributions made to, directly controlled non profits and foundations or associated agencies, who promote the reciprocal corporate image, keeping charity at home.

Political lobby organizations are posing as the nation’s largest medical charities, accepting goodwill donations by claiming to be searching for cures. That search would now conflict with disease management strategies, which required a promise, to end the search and blame the victims instead.. Trust and compassion are expectations no longer afforded to the people, governments are supposed to be working for, but always found in infinite supply when toasting good deeds, while wearing tuxedos and drinking celebratory champagne at awards ceremonies.

For most of us the same reaction is heard again; ”What can you do, It’s the Government” In a reasonable and common sense perspective we have to understand the government is the people’s representative and we only have ourselves to blame for allowing the ad campaigns we know as the evening news, to redefine us and enslave us.

Government agendas empowered by “Social Marketing” they used our money to create, as a stated government policy at Health Canada [See WIKI Propaganda] has led to cloned Provincial and municipal “Health Information” ministries and offices opened, in a massive expansion of bureaucracies. A process of “disease management” shifting responsibility for diseases and injury from the government, to the people, enforced with prisons, taxes guns and tasers. When it was their responsibility, how many of them paid fines for their shortcomings, or actually went to jail?

“Social Marketing” allows Governments to create problems [real or fictional; see global warming] to solve, while avoiding the real issues we need addressed, always being pushed to the back burner as carrots of enticement, to find support in election campaigns. “Sustainable Development” was derived to sustain a corporate profitability system, and is absolutely not a promotion of individual health, or the needs of communities. Corporate greed is at the helm, which deceptively steals funds, known as “Health Care” investments, away from the bricks and mortar facilities which actually provided research, treatment and care. Health care facilities where the line-ups, inexplicably, continue to grow, despite the huge increased investments, spoken of constantly on soap boxes, for political gain. The expansive demands of empowered government lobby henchmen and their eternal lust, is expressed in ceaseless demands to increase funding and impositions, A cult of public health which will not cease, before the people understand; Fascism is not a conspiracy theory or a right to dispose of an opinion, solely by it’s inclusion, in a description of what one sees, it is a disease of governments who are evolving to something less than the traditional political party policies, your parents and grandparents had in mind. Freedoms and expressions of thousands of years of community values, they protected, many by sacrificing their own lives.

The deterioration of personal rights and freedom is indeed, the genesis of genocide.

Governments and the people have lost an understanding of who serves whom, we need to demand more from the contractors we hire. It is time to chase the fattened and overly confident pigeons from the roost, to make room for just a few of the doves.


Anonymous said...

Great Post!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great Post indeed! BRAVO!!!

It's way past time "the people" woke up and took back control.

opponentsofohiobans1 said...

Excellent!!! Now, what do we do about it? Have you seen what the nazi anti-smoke zealots are up to now? They want to ban smoking in YOUR HOME NOW. They want employers to FIRE smokers. They've gotten away with their lying propaganda and no judge with testicular fortitude has backed the business owners being hurt by the smoking bans. Check this out!!
They're over the edge and we have to stop them NOW!