Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Defending the public from the terrorist inventions of “Normal” marketed with Plastic Cannons of proof.

In assessing the intelligence of smoking bans proclaimed as an inclusive measure benefiting society. We have to wonder sometimes if anyone is really being served more predominantly than cessation salespeople or the public trough which the bleeding hearts crowd will swear in unison is perpetually under funded..

Stepping out of the artificial world of Political Correctness for a few seconds reveals nothing political can be absolutely correct. Only a tyrant can ignore those who are affected in selling an absolute campaign of hatred and mistrust.Eugenicists taught us in the early part of the last century an equation we too quickly forgot. When political bias is greater than moral bias the result is an abundance of mortalities. The inescapable fact is public health from a global or consensus perspective. [Distributed through partnered pressure groups, such as the Tobacco Control [TC] Lobby] What is being promoted is Hatred and division which will affect us all. The population view adapted in public health reform, what could be seen as an underhanded attempt to avoid criticism of discrimination, which is almost surely what will develop. When we look at what constitutes proof from a population view in consensus [Fear driven] science. Biases of lower socioeconomic, gender, race and cultural groups are inevitable as health risks reside primarily within some categorical groups more predominantly than in others. The authorities of moral turpitude are those of financial and political advantage, who judge their own “normal” activities as a marker for excellence in all defined groups.
The exclusion of smokers from strategy sessions and public hearings has defined public health as exclusive and self righteous. Their actions fraudulently representative of protection, has placed a larger portion of our communities at risk than the protected base they claim are at risk, those same workers risk has been exaggerated beyond all reason and the group protected were never part of the planning or evaluation process either. Smoking bans are a representation of hatred promoted by a small segment of our populace who demonstrate the promotion of the very worst in human behavior. If the best arguments T.C. can provide are those of fear promoting exclusions, one has to ask why; those afflicted with AIDS were not delegated [as they did in China to the dismay of civilized countries] to remote segregation, as we see in the Ban fan solution. Primarily the best way to defeat the tyrants of exclusion is to reveal the hypocrisies they promote and reveal the hateful nature of their campaign at every opportunity. Similarly they could be asked why there is no fear assessed in breathing the smoke from Candles, Fire logs, Cooking, or smoking pot despite the coincidental and unique carcinogens in all which are immensely higher than anything found in the 5000 chemicals described as toxic which are found in tobacco smoke. Or in the volumes which all are inhaled in a normal lifetime associated with increased risk which we hear so little about. What level of concern should we in perspective assess to over 50 thousand chemicals in use and existing in the environmental outdoor air, The primary component of indoor air which is not connected to current sales strategies financing the lobbies, Those who are revealed by placing no smoking signs in underground parking garages and on outdoor patios as an educational cartoon,. A display indicative of the limited level of knowledge, charged with protecting the rest of us from ourselves and not from them.

The population view adapted in health care reform, undermines the protection of the poor, minorities and all protected groups as defined in the human rights code. The prevalence of disease and mortality figures demonstrated in epidemiology studies are significantly more predominant among some groups than others this will undeniably lead to discrimination. The process can not avoid it, when communities and cultures are ignored. It is too easy to target any group, as Hitler once proved utilizing the same epidemiology process to sustain what he deemed as moral or acceptable behavior. The Galton Institute is front and center in the creation of HIA health interventions as partners in the World Health Organization. This process should be taken as a threat to national security and human health risk as the Death camps in Germany clearly demonstrated.

Support will inflict the hateful messages upon these groups Messages also include disparities among women and the unique circumstances of women’s health issues. Hateful messages being promoted at a website in Ontario called "stupid" asking children to question the wisdom in kissing an ashtray. A health minister in Quebec who states smokers have no right to speak, because they are under the influence? Drawing indignity and segregation; not to an industry or an addiction but to people who smoke, is the height of ignorance. This will have effects which will impact us all in unavoidable negative ways.

If Public Health care is to advance in an ethical inclusive environment, actions promoted should include the opinions of the segment of our society whom the actions will predominantly effect. Smokers represent close to a quarter of our population base, the evidence is clear discrimination runs rampant and government approval can not be denied. No roof or walls are hateful government actions, the refusal of physicians to treat them, even more incredibly the cheering for discrimination in Parental rights, housing, employment and pricing of services for sale, are inexcusable promotions of hatred. Certainly not in keeping with human rights initiatives we all claim to hold dear. A unique approach to the treatment of addiction and not deserving of the past achievements of a civil society. The level of substantiating proof and it’s sources outside the Government internal research draws the government into the realm of suspicion and ill repute. To claim smokers do not have human rights protection as a group, undermines the fact they should be protected as individuals. Government seeks to, by it's actions increase the health risk to these individuals identified as a defined group with a single word. These issues need careful examination and discussion in an unbiased representative format, free of those who are paid to lobby and will be enriched, at the expense of those they impose their hateful campaigns upon.

On January 2nd 2007 it was widely reported in the international media; based on a Calgary researchers press release, pregnant women had nothing to fear from the use of smoking cessation devices during pregnancy. The research cited was entirely based on a five year study of rats by an education research facility which has been cited in the past in promotion of a number of Public Health Scare initiatives.. On January 5; although not in a news release so far, we see new research based in the study of close to 80,000 women finding, smoking while pregnant did not increase the risk of birth defects and by a significant finding non smoking mothers who used the smoking patch had a large increased risk of physical deformities.

The Enstrom and Kabat research demonstrated in one of the largest studies to date the risks associated with second hand smoke were overblown and unsubstantiated. Similarly the World Health Organizations multi-country multi-year research agreed, no substantial increased risk from Second hand smoke was evident. The study inexplicably also revealed, children who lived and likely rode in cars with parents who smoke, had a curative effect by a larger margin than the insignificant proof of risk found in women who lived with smokers and also were exposed at work lifetime. Although many determined ban enthusiasts will deny the facts, the larger more significant research has always demonstrated Second hand smoke risk is largely overblown. What does this tell us in the larger perspective? The actions of these dedicated warriors in their campaigns of fear and segregation represent a larger health risk than the smokers they detest. The calculations they promote demonstrated in SIDS Canadian mortality figures the calculated risk exceeded the actual mortality figures which occurred, largely because of a successful back to sleep campaign urging parents to put their children down on their backs. Anti smoking efforts are diluting the message in the belief by some parents “the evidence is clear” SIDS a syndrome yet unexplained, is caused solely by cigarette smoke, although the calculated risk found in miniscule studies also demonstrated in reality the cause is anything but clear. Similar findings were demonstrated in Asthma, Heart disease Lung Cancers and Breast cancer. The cause of eudiometrical cancers has found a cure which has nothing to do with smoking. Studies of smokers and non smokers exposed to second hand smoke residue in toenails demonstrated although non toxic nicotine was found in both cases toxic tobacco specific agents were not found. The measure of toxins in urine should be recognized as what would be expected, the toxins no longer within the body were being expelled as the body should. As in the effects of smoking are known to diminish after cessation. The content in blood testing is a snapshot of a work in progress. Certainly not any proof of risk by existence alone.

The “no safe cigarette” message is the most potentially dangerous proverb of the NRT parrots. The Tobacco industry also chants in agreement to this hymn. The no safe message destroys the reality they could be produced much safer. No safe means existing product regulation is no longer sustainable and product safety is now completely in the hands of the industry. Smokers who are most at risk are now with no labeling on the packaging to guide autonomy choice in decisions affecting their own health are now further at risk introduced by cheaper tobacco grown without regulation being introduced, to again enrich the profits of an industry, the warriors swear are the target of their appeal. The same focused groups who laud the intelligence of bans and higher taxes in helping smokers to quit, increases enormously the health risk of us all particularly evident among non smokers.. Research for decades including research of march 2006 by the WHO and The CDC demonstrated as hundreds of related research links concur; the toxic and carcinogenic content can be reduced in product regulation and can be controlled by the manufacturer if they so choose. Reductions confirmed in physical testing of cigarettes sold in 170 countries around the world toxic reductions by more than 95% The lobbies do not reveal simple regulation punishing no one, could eliminate the basis of fear they promote among non smokers exposed to the mysterious smoke.

The cannon of evidence we hear of so often was not the result of scientific consensus but the coordinated effort of theme based research groups, who first decided among themselves what would be the most effective way to deliver the anti smoker message. Focus groups were reviewed by advertising agencies to test the effectiveness of the messages proposed The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation the Philanthropic arm of the Medical aids company Johnson and Johnson who sponsored many of these international sessions promoted the idea of using children as emotional tools to enrich the messages. It was only after the most shocking of campaign topics were selected was the research even evaluated with a focused view they could never deny Existing studies no matter how large or conclusive all placed in data bases with categorical listings and ratings to promote a number of other Public health initiatives Selective reading and creative writing did the rest, in forming the basis of the most effective advertising campaign in world history. Second only to the identical campaign in 1930s Germany promoting a superior race in fear and exclusions. They brag in posting the success stories the proof in process of the effectiveness of their plagiarized campaigns.. The Cannon, a weapon to be sure, however the claim to absolute irreproachable proof? from a scientific stand point has little credibility. The level of bias utilized in it’s creation is openly on display. Health scare advocacy is now more closely described in Webster by the definition of coercion.. Many larger more credible research studies and timeline observation demonstrates the true value of a plastic cannon. And the very real danger promoted by a plastic public which is ignorant of the effect to the real public although as stakeholders all completely in tune to the financial aspects of a successful advertising campaign.

Democratic governments have failed in a mandate to serve "all" in now led by the opinions of a small group of focused radical extremists, who have never represented the public, denormalization strategies seek only to change us. If conformity to the new normal is the target, how can we say anyone in society is represented. If we can be viewed by Government as imperfect, demanding alteration to suit the wishes of the bureaucracy alone, a bureaucracy actually forced into purchasing commercial sales promoting politics with the public purse There are no checks and balances of these targeting groups who answer to no one and now govern public bureaucracies and through the media control the politicians we elect to lead. Financial privilege will have it's rewards as the media is controlled and the public through it A public never being allowed, as is their right, to see the whole story in making personal health related decisions. They will only be allowed, what a small non governmental group dictates they will see, the product of selective reading and exaggeration of risk, which normally is of little concern. Perhaps that opinion of imperfection and a mandate for change should be decided by an election. Society as a whole can no longer handle the truth, which if it were more widely supported and distributed, we could actually measure scientifically the mandate for coercive societal change. How many real preventable deaths could that involve?

For your reading pleasure;

Freedom dies the death of a million pinpricks

The new normal

Purveyors of the new globalist perspective

The Borg alliance; Tobacco Control, The Galtons and David Duke of the Clan
working together and building our tomorrow

The sales department dedication to funding
96% of us are exhibiting risk potential and should be dealt with severely with shame taxation for our crimes

Proof they don’t know Jack although they are related to Adolph…

Reinventing the wheel A Likely source of the modern Lieberal Red Book

An ounce of prevention?

Poison is in the dose

Jumping from the 15th floor instead of the 20th,,2087-1859508,00.html

The real risk

Amoral bias gone wild
Footnote; Pay special attention to the assessments of all toxins reviewed barely an instance is included with no reference to ETS. In assessment of ETS a long list of non definitive statements and cause associations to existence alone, the comprehensive study of all relevant research negates the inclusion of any value of alternatives to smoking bans in risk assessment or regulation of the product safety including the three references above which are down played in process. Incredibly even the assessment of diesel exhaust is blessed with the realization some of the included toxins are also found in ETS, despite the volumes which in fact are many times less and well below safe levels as opposed to the volumes in the much more deadly toxin being discussed and categorized with much less concern, despite the obviously unavoidable community risk. To date has any effort been expended to deal with the problem to the degree a barely significant risk assessment in ETS provides the means for billions in funding of community chaos?

Why Lobbies really focus on children; surveying RWJF and Johnson and Johnson stock market analysis of NRT sales They make great emotional props.

Excluded from the toxins list for obvious reasons

Consider the source

And follow the money

Gomery style investments in Liberal friendly media groups

Lessons in undermining political process and democracies through coercive methodology

Human Rights? Only if we say so

If any of you believe you ever had a choice in smoking ban votes,
The federal government promised to undermine Provincial authority, they even signed a contract
The fix was in bans at all costs were promised, prior to the half Billion dollar brain washing campaigns

Purchasing your fairy tales and making sure everyone believes you

Polar bears are dying of hypothermia? The ice caps are melting?
Global warming could happen, just not today
the wind chill in Resolute is minus 53, go figure…

The skinny on fat pandemonia

More of what they know but choose to ignore

Risk assessment, assessing the discovery process

Neil Coleslaw works advising the Canadian Government in Tobacco smoke issues.
Through his funded Lobby group, Fascists for a smoke free la la land, or something similar
in addition to an embarrassing attempt at a book sale, a third rate fiction piece
which indicates he wants to take over the tobacco industry with government funding.
In the past he spent millions of UN money trying to produce evidence of ETS harm, he left in shame
Undaunted he still pretends he did not understand what he found.
This is the self same opportunist who used a dying woman’s cancer as a tool to sell his wares, on the international stage

Who is being protected and who is believed to be dying?

Shooting the messenger

A little perspective please

Now you see it [For fun can you spot the lie in the first paragraph?]

And now you don’t?
(Researcher Stephen S, Hecht Ph D confirmed recently no carcinogens were found in non smokers exposed to ETS, toenails “the article is incorrect”
The author refuses to recant the political lie in the article despite being advised of the good Doctor’s honest opinion.]

This article is one of my all time favorites in a proactive as opposed to reactive perspective

Just for laughs a bunch more therapy to get your head straight

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