Monday, March 06, 2006

Tolerance for the intolerant

Many Canadian Politicians in pandering to the views of powerful industry lobby groups. Or in dealing with Healthcare shortfalls caused by an aging population, fail to recognize what the reality in smoking reduction and anti fat promotions actually represent, An evolution in political correctness the next logical step in sustainable development processes. “Tolerance of the Intolerant”.

The views expressed by the Health ministries reflect the credibility of the Ministers directly and should be assessed in choosing our leadership in the future. The media voice is desperately needed to end the planned manipulations of our political processes. Perhaps in the way of political leadership, in selecting ministry leaders some background in the field of expertise connected to the ministry may be beneficial to avoid future embarrassments. A trust in the existing world-class ministry of the environment and the laws of scientific process would have been much more beneficial in understanding how to deal with a workplace hazard. If indeed a hazard exists at all. We sure could have saved a truckload of taxpayer’s cash in the process. 2 Billion dollars and counting.

Hatred and violence promoted and displayed at the focal point of Ontario Government wisdom at Endorsements from a Health ministry educating our young with fine empathetic statements describing their own parents as smelling like dog fescues, endangering the health of others and Killing babies. Hardly a view Canadian culture would support in describing of any other identifiable group.

High-spirited political representations protecting us from ourselves are now in fact the order of the day regardless of credibility in the logic. The coalition of many health-based lobbies we see today is not a result of a public demand, rather the truth is found in the World Health Organization’s descriptions of HIA health interventions. The process Described by world-renowned Anti Smoker advocate and award winning author Dr. Robert Proctor in his books defining the process. The HIA process was later employed in the international Tobacco reduction treaty Canada signed and largely helped to create. In training the process it is advised “Inclusion of as many stakeholders as possible in order to dominate discussions and eventually decisions” As seen first hand in the Ontario public consultation process recently, which excluded the public for the most part, in favor of parroted speeches of prominent anti smoker lobbyists claiming to have the proxy of the public, despite the fact few in the public know who they are. The same groups many funded by the Federal government were responsible for providing information to our Local Health ministries and providing similar information amass at every smoking ban discussion across the country. 47,000 preventable deaths voiced by Mr. Smitherman the basis for the protections we will soon see. 45,000 preventable deaths will be the basis for curing the statistical fat pandemic. Smokers who don’t get out their carrot sticks will be summarily punished. Punished for the use of a legal product, in absence of a trial, for the betterment of the race and protection of the children. Fat pandemic strategies will see heavy taxation to be collected in the grocery stores and 300% tax rebates to the promoters of the plan to keep the media in the game.

Preventable deaths defined as the total of all disease categories statistically linked to smoking regardless of the magnitude of that statistical link. The enthusiasts now boldly decree smoking causes all smoking related mortality. 100% of the deaths in all the smoking related categories responsible for 25% of total mortality in the country. We are all so uneducated to know any better is the common thought in Nanny logic. The highest level of mortality ever reached in these disease categories Health Canada posts on their website second hand smoke results in the annual deaths of 100 children below the age of one year One would have to wonder what the magnitude of statistical significant risk factor was used, which theorized these infant deaths in a population of 30 million Proclamations supported despite the WHO research, which found no link between second hand smoke and childhood mortality conversely they found in fact a curative effect. Despite what we may have heard. The views of the medical community have spoken the medical charities devoted to the cause have all agreed. Epidemiologists around the world sing in unison the dangers are a fact of life, who could possibly disagree? Only the intolerant views of the deviant tobacco industry and those connected to it could possibly suggest an alternate view, who can argue with the experts and the opinions of political patronage delegates placed in UN agencies surely a model of superior human intelligence to be sure.

Common sense on the street by the uneducated masses has a few suspicions regardless of the unanimous opinion. Information provided at Health Canada’s website may help dispel a few urban myths. 420,000 smokers results in 150,000 deaths 36%. In 1960 54% of the population smoked, over 10 million. Which should have resulted by ratio in 3.6 million deaths or over the past 45 years 80,000 per year over double the current total of all 22 smoking related disease categories in a population increased by 50%???.
Further, we know the adverse effect model stated is a 30-year reactance to smoking behavior. With 2/3 reduction in use and tar content. We now see since 1989 an increase in these categories of close to 10,000 deaths. In 1970 smoking had been reduced by 20% and tar by 66% yet 35 years later we see a 20% increase in smoking related mortality??? Somehow the doctors have erred smoking it seems is beneficial to good health, lest we see a different reality the groups advising us are not as well educated or credible as they may seem. We have placed our trust in consensus theory replacing real science to guide our decisions perhaps for some of us the old ways offered better protections.

Baby boomers moving toward their final resting place will result in 10 million deaths in the next 30 years increasing Canadian mortality by more than 50%, a product of nature despite what category of cause you wish to place them. This is the real trendsetter in smoking related diseases, which as we all know were never preventable deaths at all. Government officials directed by the rumors are apparently not intelligent enough to see the deceit or dangers in alliance with buffoonery as we on the street find blatantly obvious.

If the voice of the media was some how awakened, perhaps some inclusive direction could be found in battling our current state of tolerating the intolerant. Charity only lasts so long eventually we will have to end the tolerance for poor leadership. A Liberal has to believe communism did not work simply because the wrong people were in charge. A realist understands Socialism does not work because the numbers simply never add up eventually some one has to pay for it all. Trudeau and the free spending Lieberals taught us that decades ago with the implementation of deficit financing prior to that era we had cash and Gold reserves in the bank of Canada and made profits loaning it out. The good old days. How quickly they forget.


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