Monday, July 24, 2006

Political science has it's drawbacks

A lot of conspiracy theories are based in the who is watching the watchers routine, reminiscent of an old movie favorite Abbot and Costello in “who’s on first” which years later could be the source of connected comedy in describing the WHO and where they stand. the WHO as in, short for the World Health Organization.

The WHO as a consensus science promoter which if taken in proper perspective as the political view, have little to say in credible physical science, or in their ability to account for why they have failed so miserably with the resources at their disposal, to accomplish all that much in reduction of mortality where it is really needed desperately. Aside from the building of a huge robot like subservient bureaucracy. They continually ask for increased funding, which they in turn find creative ways of wasting while avoiding the issues, giving rise to the concerns they are entrusted and paid to resolve. The WHO has been largely ineffective in reducing mortality to any significant degree since their formation. In fact had it not been for the absolute confidence participating nations had, the WHO would have not been able to manufacture what amounts to an un necessary increased mortality due to bungling and extremely large egos of politicians, being placed in charge of tasks they are clearly not qualified or motivated to accomplish.

We see shining examples of the WHO failures to focus, in private aid agency commercials begging funding while showing us the evidence of the Who’s failures of starving and diseased inhabitants of third world countries, who for decades too long have been ignored while the WHO sidetracks itself in aid of large corporate NGO partners and stakeholders, growing fat bottom line increases at the expense of those unfortunate enough to be assigned to the WHO’s care. Creating pandemics in fat control, tobacco control, global warming and a host of other alternate paths will keep the unfortunates waiting their turn in the growing list of prior commitments indefinitely, after which [assuming the after ever occurs] they may be allotted a glance if any of these desperate souls actually survive. In industrialized nations the dissection of existing mechanisms of internal protections in the name of globalist competitiveness, are sure to bring the rest of us closer to those unfortunates. As the WHO screams for higher taxation and promotes fear and intimidations of elected officials to accomplish their immediate stated goals. All the while depreciating personal economies along with standards of living the primary determinants in health; not only of individuals but society as a whole. The WHO plows on, tremendously increasing mortality and disease in their wake. Punishing the victims of unsafe products while protecting the assets of those who produce them. Tobacco products could be made safer if the WHO were common sense driven, in regulating the products and not punishing the users, mortality and morbidity could have been decreased significantly. The new chant is “Fat is the new tobacco” Fat is not causative of a tremendous suffering waiting for a slow death from malnutrition, yet still the WHO are allowed to beat their own drum and sing their own praises while the rest of us are forced to listen and governments continue to maintain that unrelenting trust in a monumental failure, causing more pain and human suffrage than ten of Hitler’s Germanys.

All disease is easily tracked when properly defined. the WHO seems to have an uncanny ability in naming every health concern as a disease vector, regardless of how many dimensions that disease may entail. Dealing with all connections to human health as a two dimensional disease tracked by etiological, case control or relative risk perspective. This has enormous restrictions in science based credibility. Insignificant research findings should be given little weight in assessments of proof seen realistically as signals of direction. Inexplicably the majority of the assessments they produce are based entirely in this marginal level of proof. The epidemiology process can never create proof to any significant degree when the results are accepted with any positive correlation, while research is similarly rejected in the absence of that positive result. The obvious result would be, to simply not report negatives in avoiding what is determined to be a failure in the hunt for proof. As possible embarrassment in discussing the findings with their peers who have a mindset demanding no doubt exists, all reports must be consistent or deemed to be flawed. The multiple dimensions of mortality studies in non disease categories are simply not well researched in correlation studies. Non linear associations derived in this way as proposed recently by the American EPA and Surgeon Generals office adds significant complexity in public understanding and analytical methods. Use of case controls to support non linear associations in the hodgepodge IARC reporting processes simply have little weight or credibility. The level of shoehorning in respect to such disease categories as Melanomas, Colorectal, Nose, cardiovascular even SIDS thrown in for good measure and the more recently discounted cervical cancers seen as caused by ETS [second hand smoke] are hard to review with a straight face.

In a review of the IARC report which connects many suspected cancer categories to smoking and through those associations of course connected with determined reasoning, the exposure is much less however no other explanation was seen, in discounting all possible alternate causes. The use of Cox regression was helpful in asserting their case in connecting side stream smoke [ETS] to those same cancers which create a new reality in preventing surmised mortality derived of ETS, in the absence of real bodies. ETS mortalities which truly exist only in estimated numbers. A lot is lost in common sense and reasoning abilities of those involved although I am certain those lapses of judgment had a lot more to do with medical training and almost religious following in the ideal smoking is the most prevalent cause of all cancers. Almost from the time someone is old enough to understand the meaning of the word cancer we have been inundated with the fact smoking causes cancers. So much of this truth telling over the past 50 years there is an almost unanimous belief there could be no other cause despite constant research to that theory’s exclusion. In this paper I will attempt to investigate an alternate reality although I am certain the logic will neither be well received or welcome, None the less I will venture on sacred ground in seek of a new path.

Science has continued to confound the cancer experts for more than what would be considered a reasonable length of time. The insanity theory of replication expecting a different result is coming dangerously close to the medical and research community who have although many angles and methods have been applied failed to decisively prove anything substantial in the mysteries connected to cancers so on they go replicating the same research time and time again waiting for the proof to surface which agrees with what they believe. Prior to 1920, Cancers were all but non existent. Something significant happened in the past century which continues to baffle the legions of those dedicated to what that may be. The dead horse cigarette has been beaten beyond reason with no other options researched to the degree of this single forgone conclusion. The categorization of extended ETS abilities as a sole cause of all disease and human suffrage in non smokers, seems to be lacking credibility in a number of ways which will be discussed.

Cox regression seems to be the most viable method in getting to the facts by eliminating to the conclusion. The flaw is the regression seems to start with too many eliminations already foregone. Lung Cancers are an excellent case in point in following the process. Not having the numbers or resources available in a crack team of diligent researchers at my disposal, I will have to make due with what is available in the public domain.

Lung Cancer as it involves introduction of toxins primarily through inhalation, I would have to investigate the possible causes where respiratory pollutants entering the lungs through inhalation seem to be the prime suspects, In the elimination of suspected categories momentarily such possibilities as weight and inactivity although factors, would not immediately be seen to be directly be responsible for that existence of physical elements which may damage genes and start the process within the lungs. Secondary associations could include as well; poverty and race or predisposition not derived of race.

Top on my list of causative factors would be any chemical capable of causing cancers which could travel into the lower reaches of the lungs which is a common trait of the current majority of large cell Lung cancers which are the most prevalent and associated with smoking. This tendency was not always the case, when Doll connected cancers to smoking the small cell cancer variety were much more prevalent and common with smokers. The Cancer societies explained the change as the switch post 1960 to filter type cigarettes taking away the harshness and allowing deeper inhalation in addition to PAH reductions in filter use. Post filters we see small cell cancers a rare occurrence in smokers. More on that later. Possible inhaled categories would have to see diesel fuel exhaust at the top of our list The virulent nature of this carcinogen although ignored for decades it is unbelievable so little has been researched and how little is actually known. The addition to the known carcinogens list despite volumes of past evidence is surprising in the length of time Diesel has slipped under the radar, chemical rich cleaning products air deodorizers and perfumes and colognes including musk are also high on my list of suspicions. The cancerous nature of interactions of chlorine and organic materials in the production of Dioxins, adds chlorine and its growing use. For that matter all of the aforementioned items have increased in use dramatically, while cancer prevalence rose, while only cigarette use declined. This leaves one to ponder if smoking is the most likely to be the first to be eliminated although I will leave it alone for the moment. The unscientific classification of Tobacco smoke as a single product adds to the complexity of the task at hand almost to unimaginable proportions due to the possible combinations of what that smoke may contain.

James Repace made a statement to the IARC panel, the committee were concerned with the low numbers in their decision to class ETS as a carcinogen. He stated if a truly unexposed control group could be found the numbers would be much more significant. The list of case control research they considered and a meta analysis mentioned were in fact in large part flawed.

It does not require a large amount of common sense to realize; If the comparison to a group who were exposed and assumed to be not exposed, found a correlation; 100% of the result found would have to be known to be miscalculations in confounding, and entirely a result of other causes. With the new confounding weight, applied no correlation between ETS and cancer actually exists.

Many case control studies and large cohort studies which included the population group prior to 1960 ignored the fact the control subjects despite the inquiries made were poorly classified, and known to be exposed to a much greater degree than what would be normal today. Any in the control group who frequented movie theatres, traveled on busses planes trains, Those who shopped in supermarkets attended community events or conventions all would have been exposed in a few hours a week to more ETS than if they had lived with a smoker for an entire month.

It was just good manners when having dinner parties, which were much more frequent then, to offer an ashtray to guests even if no one in the house normally smoked. Men would retire to smoke after dinner for hours of war stories while the women cleaned up the dishes and had a story swap meet of their own, accompanied with drinks and ashtrays on the table for smoking guests. Twenty to thirty years later in a politically correct atmosphere, with all around them laying the blame of disease on smoking, with opinions of disdain firmly in the media daily, non smokers would predictably proudly defend their integrity in statements they did not smoke in their homes or live with a smoking spouse. The eventual use of the CPS11 study to ad credibility to ETS as causative of disease, relinquishes associated research which failed to confound for the significant error. Gyration toward denial of how things really were prior to 1960, is no great secret. This revealed case control studies including the CPS11 were entirely flawed as were a lot of pre and post CPS11 theory in case control research with no legitimate control groups defined as unexposed.

The disease outcomes may heavily lead to smoking as a cause as others thought to be unaffected would escape scrutiny and may well have been assigned to categories of mortality not included in the research when investigating death certificates within the study group defining smoking spouses and non smokers they are compared to. This may well have increased the effect of evidence of ETS harms although no assessments of other factors in relation to mortality and morbidity, would ever have been seriously investigated which could have resulted in conclusions pointing in another direction entirely depending on other inhaled exposures considered and the weight with new numbers they would compare in the individual studies to date which relied on CPS11 type calculations and conclusions relating to almost a complete population exposure to ETS prior to 1960. The current conclusions of ETS as a cause of many diseases can not credibly use the most studied group in assessments of mortality, Morbidity and the costs of smoking in the universal application of SAMMEC as a causative model. Can the conclusions made to date be justified when the studies predominantly were done in the perspective of having obtained “legitimate controls”, when in fact few actually existed within a 54% smoking prevalence. How could any who intermingled in an unrestricted smoking allowed community claim to be unexposed?

The scientific community the American medical community in particular are highly influenced also by industry. This influence along with a century of stoic control in acceptable theories has played a large part in primarily forming opinions and distributing those opinions to the public. Large industries investing 50% of income in philanthropy avoid their fair share of taxation, funding infrastructure they could not survive without. The use of these charity dedicated funds are for the most part not invested in what most consider charitable cause,. more predominantly when not manipulating stock markets when huge investments move. They invest in political activists involved in parallel charities and non profits which see the world within perspectives advantageous to corporate profitability. Permanent medical charities competing for the funds of the behemoth foundations will of course align their own eyesight within perspectives of that, which will allow themselves to be considered worthy of investment. MADD relies heavily on sponsorship of General Motors who obviously like the idea of downplaying actual mortality numbers concluding speed and dangerous driving account for many more deaths than the current public perception created through MADD as drunk driving being anywhere close to the actual death rates observed. All North American manufacturers have played up the aggressive driving excitation as a tool to increase sales of sporty and over powered passenger vehicles.

The medical reality is we speak in unison and those who do not, will be dealt with severely. Medical confidence and advancement or prominence In the field of research depends entirely on citations of leaders in the field. Acceptance into the club requires strict adherence to the approved mindset. When those leaders issue a call for more convincing evidence smoking is the leading cause of cancers the results are understandably predictable. This as awareness increases in a revolution of an internet provided information age, Is decreasing the overall credibility of legitimate research. The public can no longer define the difference between political or scientific opinion. When governments join in graying the understanding we have to as a population extend the mistrust to elected officials and in turn political systems as a whole which are seen to be corrupted beyond comprehension. An ideal situation for the small group who control the majority of wealth however the danger of that group shrinking leaves us all more at risk today than we were prior to the great depression as a result of a couple of miscues of those few who controlled far to much.

Many, wishing to be wealthy, mindsets are also driven in stock market values, even if seen as unintentional. A wish for an investment to do well, and the dream of new Porsche if that were to happen, can not be seen as totally without bias. Researchers when declaring conflicts as research is published sometimes miss the point, primarily conflicts are defined as direct funding sources however stock holdings or options are rarely if ever disclosed. All too often convenient research is reported just as a pharma group is launching a new product or seeking to increase sales through an expensive advertising campaign.

I recently reviewed a study by Richard Doll one of many he did in the field of smoking related mortality. This study completely reversed his previous views in relation to the effects of ETS. The study seemed to lack a lot of his lifelong adherence to rigid observational research seen more as a political statement than actual research as no new research was presented. The article itself I found to be a wealth of facts not common in the public domain. What I found as well was a twisting and contorting to establish causation of a number of cancers in almost inconceivable ways many when compared to each other conflicted previous conclusion determinations in stating a cause could now with his permission replace association in a list of new ETS causative diseases. In review of leukemia research of the two types Myeloid and lymphatic shown in table two in the three large studies presented, the assessment only Myeloid could be considered causative despite in the studies, anything but consistency is demonstrated. In review of one study current smokers have less risk than ex smokers and light smokers had a negative result indicating decreased risk. Radioactive isotopes and benzene, the only two known toxins in the smoke related to leukemia reinforced with an incredible statement no other cause of leukemia is known which could confound the results. The two known causes in tobacco smoke are curious in he failed to recognize a universal exposure to both exists in total population from other much larger sources. The radon daughters have been eliminated in most tobacco crops by simply restricting soil conditions, the fertilizers and pesticides in use. Dispelling a large part of the urban myth there are no safer cigarettes. The assessment of the causative nature in less than significant case control findings in addition to citation of miniscule studies including less than 100 participants can not be considered credible in assessment beyond the fact more research needs to be completed, prior to making lasting conclusions. Conclusions which will no doubt be cited in further research interpretations elevating the weights of marginal proofs.

Quoting from the report. two known leukaemogens: namely, radioactive

isotopes of polonium and lead and benzene. The former, which derive"

principally from phosphate fertilisers, are minimal in amount (of the

value of 0.01 Bq per cigarette, of which one fifth may be inhaled1) and the

latter is likely to be the more important. According to Hoffman and

Hoffman44 the consumption of 20—40 cigarettes a day exposes a smoker

to between 1-3 mg of benzene which, according to calculations made for

the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health45 might,

over a 40-year period, increase the risk of leukaemia by about 10%.

Some of the revealed facts included only one fifth of a cigarette total smoke is actually inhaled. This would reflect on studies which consider the total smoke toxins as a potential risk and the potentials in dose response which are often inflated. Benzene a known carcinogen is only considered a credible cause of cancer in a 40 year lifetime of inhalation in the volumes present in a cigarette . This does of course depend on a belief the entire amount inhaled stayed within the body long enough for a hazardous level to be attained. The secondary causative categories are only supported by as he states insignificant proof. He is quoted as stating a 20% increased risk is highly insignificant. Also stated in some disease categories actual incident of diseases with insignificant numbers shown will affect a miniscule level of the population and confounding effects can not be eliminated in established causative conclusions. More recent research in the effects of outdoor particulate matter in particular the study of diesel exhaust which determined may be causative of as many as 78% of all outdoor related mortality. The six cities study revealed a 26% disparity of primarily smoking related diseases in most and least polluted cities which if population statistics in the disease categories were reviewed may close the gap significantly in unexplained disparities between more and less industrialized communities regardless of smoking prevalence in viewing disease prevalence assumed to be confounded by race. Diesel exhaust also includes dioxins and benzene as does gasoline, all garden centers sell phosphate fertilizers which are also used extensively in farming food crops. These sources are without doubt significant confounders he denied existed. Most of the primary causative categories are given credibility by large cohort studies which in the most part do not question the participants in exposures to other toxic substances. None were asked how often they ride to work in a diesel powered vehicle or how many times a week they gas up their car and inhale the fumes. This would establish large exposures to high levels of benzene as one part per hundred in gasoline or exposure to diesel exhaust which is highly carcinogenic.

In the assessment of tobacco exposures the level of exposure and duration is absolutely highly associated to disease outcomes. These conclusions are observed in the 90th percentile of smokers being afflicted with related diseases in later life beyond 60 years of age. Many of the studies cited claim effect of smoking in as little as 10 years. The incidence of Liver cancers in a related report which has a few more facts to consider Fluke OV parasites which are known to be carcinogenic are linked to smoking which is said to increase risk despite also stating the prevalence of smoking has increased dramatically and only use of the larger numbers of incidence can the link be established. The same study reveals the ingestion of raw fish in the north of Thailand has resulted in huge liver cancer mortality particularly in the northern province. The culture of the ingestion of infested fish should be seen absolutely causative regardless of smoking however when there is a will there is a way. Smoking may indeed enhance the danger however in the rest of the country this does not appear to be consistent despite the fact they also ingest the fish raw however the source of fish may hold a larger portion of the blame. The study found here has an interesting chart attached which could be substantial proof in relation to the real weight of Lung cancers derived of smoking, the chart demonstrates clearly regardless of prevalence more industrialized areas of the world carry the heaviest burden of Lung cancers in startling numbers inconsistent with the theories of the largest medical organizations on the planet As smoking being the most significant cause of Lung cancers. The chart description explained here. clearly indicates the 25 year reductions of smoker prevalence in North America paralleled a continual rise in cancers in particular lung Cancers

Lung cancer has been the most common cancer in the world since 1985,17 and by 2002, there were 1.35 million new cases, representing 12.4% of all new cancers.”

as we sit In 2005 –2006 at the peak of the predicted mortality curve associated with those born prior to 1945 and who would have been 15 years of age or older in 1960 in the highest smoking prevalence in history A group targeted in the CPS11 research and SAMMEC based on fractions created from CPS11 data the group will continue, of those who are predicted to, die of smoking related diseases for the next 14 years. A review of other charts at the same source web page reveals smoking as a cause is anything but a consistent cause in other regions. If we took a mean of prevalence per hundred thousand and compared it to the disease outcomes we could understand quickly smoking is given much more weight than it is due in the true level of outcomes it is capable of claiming, which could not exceed the lowest prevalence rate in comparison of countries not affected by secondary factors or confounders associated with exposures not seen in lower cancer prevalence regions . The theory of predisposition according to race would indicate some races are more immune than others, but only if they live in their native countries. This could seriously disadvantage those of the eugenics belief, who in misguided pride believe their genetic abilities to be superior. In light of the under developed countries their tends to be proof although they are unable to rise above poverty with lower education and lack of financial advantages, they have somehow risen above physical detriments. Socioeconomic disparities in developed countries seem to extinguish this tendency as the prevalence of all disease mortalities seems to be heavily weighted in favor of the economically advantaged in those regions although the poor far outnumber the rich and the poor live and work In much less desirable areas exposed to much higher levels of toxins.

Smoking has occurred for hundreds of years the advent of filters reduced the incidence of small cell Cancers significantly. The belief is the filters because of deeper inhalations increased Andiocarcinomas related to nitrosamines. The simple explanation in non developed countries filters are used less does not explain why small cell cancers are not any more prevalent in those regions than in more developed nations with equal or less smoker prevalence. The vast differential between countries has never been adequately explained however few in developed countries are exposed on a daily basis to cleaners and deodorizers or the level of fossil fuel off gasses as they are routinely and without concern in more developed regions. In The orient and Indo Eurasia the daily use of incense is beyond examination or the toxins similar to all organic toxins including wood burning are becoming more of a concern with the rising price of heating fuels. Of note the disease outcomes of these toxins do not have the long term effects attached we believe are associated with smoking, disease outcomes are much swifter in carcinogenic outcomes.

No political statement can undermine the deceit in the statement there is no safe cigarette their certainly are safer cigarettes a point concealed and in some cases adamantly denied. Nevertheless reduced PAH [One of James Repace’s favorite tools of fear mongering] levels in primary smoking reduced by ninety percent, all but eliminated small cell cancers among smokers. Repace in evaluating the ventilation systems at the Burswood Casino revealed in measured levels of particulate matter he refers to as RSP the PAH he estimated to be in the room at .08% or 163 nanograms a level he stated was 10,000 times known safe levels when smoking was removed still had 9 nanograms which by his calculations was 250 times the known safe Levels, despite what the rest of the researchers have concluded. The fact there is a ninety percent decrease in the inhaled smoke due to filters and the lower temperature burn has allowed the promotion of the idea second hand smoke is more dangerous. The fact non smokers are not experiencing an increase of the small cell cancers believed associated with the PAH inhalation or no large incidence occurred during the sixties when exposure could not be avoided suggests; even in the smokiest bar or bingo hall, the air dilution is sufficient to reduce the level of carcinogenic harm derived of PAH to insignificant levels. Selection of tobacco plants used, can largely reduce the second carcinogen path to large cell cancers more related to the nitrosamines in NNN and NNK carcinogens. Proof can be found in numerous research studies including a few by the WHO and American CDC which are not widely discussed while promoting ETS harms which if the product were regulated would remove most of the statistical proof ETS could ever be considered more than an irritant certainly not a significant carcinogenic risk as promotions have described.

Proof? try this on for size.

Use of a more dangerous products in both PAH in non filtered cigarettes and TSNA in filtered manufactured brands total cancers are still as with all non industrialized countries well below averages

Of industrialized countries regardless of smoker prevalence. In this case, prevalence remains only two thirds below American averages however cancers are reduced by half. In Lung cancers as seen on the chart vary by country from Eastern Europe at 65.7 male and 8.7 female to American rates per hundred thousand at 61.2 male and 35.6 female at the other end of the scale West Africa at 2.5 male and .6 female. These figures come no where close to smoker prevalence as an explanation. In third world countries smoker prevalence remains high the product is much cheaper and relieves hunger pains resulting in children smoking rates much higher than all of the industrialized countries in many cases, yet Cancer rates remain relatively low.

“In Thailand the annual consumption per adult ( =" style='width:6.6pt;height:9.6pt'> =" shapes="_x0000_i1025" border="0" height="12" width="9">15 years of age) of manufactured cigarettes has increased from 810 in 1970–1972 to 1050 in 1990–1992 and of unmanufactured cigarettes to ~1000 in 1994 (1). The age-adjusted lung cancer mortality rate (100 000/year) in Thailand has increased from ~11.0 to 25.0 in males and from 6.3 to 12.1 in females (2). For comparison the cigarette consumption per adult in the USA in 1970–1972 was 3700 and gradually decreased to 2670 in 1990–1992, while the age-adjusted lung cancer mortality rate in males increased from 46.8 in 1970–1971 to 57.1 in 1988–1991 and in women from 11.0 to 24.7, respectively (1,3,4).”

Table I Go presents the comparison and ranking of tar and nicotine levels of Thai cigarettes in relation to total VNA and total TSNA. The best selling commercial cigarette brands, Khrong Thip 90, Falling Rain 90 and Gold City 90 delivered average values per cigarette for the highest smoke yields of tar (24.7 mg), nicotine (2.31 mg), total VNA (76.7 ng) and total TSNA (1,055 ng). By comparison with smoke analyses of the leading US cigarette in 1995 (which have yielded 16 mg tar, 1.1 mg nicotine, 12.5 ng VNA and 600 ng TSNA per cigarette), the smoke yields for these Thai cigarettes are regarded as very high. The current findings complement earlier studies (33,34) which have indicated very high levels of nicotine and tar in the smoke of major brands of commercially produced Thai cigarette

” In several countries, the changes in the make-up of filter cigarettes have brought about increased smoke yields of VNA and TSNA, whereas the yields of carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have decreased (22). Future investigations should lead to practical measures towards reducing the exposure to both carcinogenic PAH and nitrosamines. However, abstention from tobacco or cessation of tobacco use are the only measures of certainty with regard to risk reduction. Nevertheless, reduction of exposure to tobacco carcinogens can be accomplished by product modification. VNA and TSNA can be reduced by selecting lighter tobacco blends with low levels of preformed TSNA, and by selecting tobacco laminae and ribs that are low in nitrate, and thus have reduced nitrosation potential for amines in tobacco”

Again here

“Reduction of TSNA exposure can be achieved by selecting tobaccos with low levels of preformed TSNA in tobacco, which means a low nitrate content and reduction of the amount of Burley tobaccos and stems in blended cigarettes.”

And here

“no correlation was observed between tar delivery and mainstream smoke concentration of N'-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK). Therefore, although crucial, tar delivery alone is not a sufficient index for the carcinogenic potential of cigarette smoke. It is proposed that TSNA concentrations be determined for characterization of the carcinogenic potential of cigarettes with low and ultra-low tar yields and that these be declared by an additional and adequate parameter. The mainstream smoke concentrations of NNN and NNK are given by the amounts of preformed compounds in tobacco, which is dependent on the nitrate content of the tobacco and the tobacco type. A further important determinant of the exposure of smokers to TSNA is the total volume drawn through a cigarette while smoking, which is dependent on puff volume and puff frequency and which directly influences TSNA transfer. Smokers inhale higher volumes when smoking low-nicotine cigarettes, so that low NNN:nicotine and NNK:nicotine ratios result in decreased exposure to TSNA. Reduction of exposure to TSNA can be achieved by selecting tobaccos with low levels of preformed TSNA (low nitrate content, small amounts of burley tobaccos and stems) and by manufacturing cigarettes with low NNN:nicotine and NNK:nicotine ratios.”

In fact 214 related items also tend to agree

Regulating the product will save a lot more lives more immediately than punishing the users of the product will result, in the next 50 years. The damage to scientific integrity in adapting political creations stimulating fear and mistrust in communities may never be repaired even in the same 50 years. The public no longer can distinguish between political spin and scientific dispensations a level of mistrust is forming in perceptions of both the politicians such as Repace, Glanze and Vansant who will always be politicians and perceived with credibility to match. The foundations of science and medicine singing in harmony in not peer reviewing and discrediting what is not appropriate, appear to endorse and rubber stamp all the perceptions the politicians create.

Today we hear brave little politicians around the planet vowing to punish smokers in hopes of reducing the [name a number] preventable deaths. To reduce the costs of healthcare described in SAMMEC studies. To increase the profits gleaned from abusive taxation well beyond healthcare costs with the aid of SAMMEC exaggerated more than 10 times what is actually spent in assessing wages of smokers insolent enough to retire or die prior to 85 years of age as a debt to society which for some twisted reason should be paid by smokers before they die. Those brave politicians singing the praises of hatred and discontent, sending a divided population upon itself and reveling in the accolades of WHO like self important fame.

In the wider perspective how many of those preventable deaths are really preventable and how many will in fact be reduced while the product is ignored and many places such as Canada have dropped trade barriers and allowed more dangerous products to flow across the boarder to compete with safer products which existed for decades. The lower priced products are driving regulated farmers out of business, the tobacco companies increase profits once again while consumers with no informed consent are sold a product with highly increased toxic content. The medical community stands silent and cheers the move while attempting to claim mortality and morbidity rates are important to them. The reductions in prevalence it seems will occur as a result, as with AIDS in Africa, after the majority of the victims die not as a result of proactive efforts in dealing with an unsafe product. A product which can be made much safer when ever there is a motivation to do so. A move which would be an unpopular move in the current political witch hunt environment, spear headed by industry inspired radicals. The ban fans who declare smokers have no rights to employment, housing, Medical care or even to the access to their own children. Those who demand smokers be criminalized for an addiction alone, such statements in a caring and just society with rules for other addictions, which would not allow such targeted hate in fact similar acts could themselves result in prosecutions when describing any other group, yet the radicals move forward demanding an increased level of hate be promoted in total confidence and with a stamp of approval by those same brave politicians the self acclaimed humanitarians who will seek re-election based in bragging rights for what they have done and how many smokers they have culled.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Who is killing whom?

Safer cigarettes unearthed;
Sometimes you have to dig through some pretty smelly stuff to get at the truth, in the wake of unethical politicians. We elect who we think would make the best leaders, yet most often they turn out to be followers basking in the favors provided, in the sharing of the public trough.

Public Health advocates who state there is no safe cigarette intentionally deceive the public, a public who are lead to believe there are no safer cigarettes. Biological measurements moving away from statistics proves the promoted "unavoidable" carcinogenic dangers in cigarette smoke can be reduced significantly by as much as 98% in simply regulating the selection of the tobacco being used. The American CDC and EPA falsely classified cigarette smoke as a single product when in fact the term encompassed thousands of possible product offerings of highly variable levels of risk. This observation is stated as reality of course; if you can believe what you see with your eyes as proof, above the proof of calculations of biased, chemical industry financed, anti smoker advocates, described often as “a growing body of evidence”. More often than not, calculated with risk factors described in the 1986 CPS11 research. As you will soon see the risk factors are misleading, Inaccurate and well out of date. Regardless of reality, the risk factors are used extensively in advocacy, to exaggerate the mortality numbers and give themselves credibility in misguided and dangerous promotions. Promotions which can be proven to be dangerous to public health, for smokers and non smokers alike, because as they say poison is indeed in the dose.

The Canadian Federal Government in allowing unregulated cheap imports of tobacco products to compete with much safer products grown in Ontario. Products produced under strict growing conditions were being replaced with a Federal government blessing. Products which are now including stems and roots. Products grown in areas defined as ecological disasters do not set the plate as ideals in growing conditions for any ingested product especially dangerous in a product ending up inside human lungs. The Federal Government increased the mortality risks significantly while at the same time increasing tax revenues based on a higher risk they in fact created.

The federal government handed Allan Rock 450 Million dollars described in the legislature as funds to denormalize an industry. Rock who had been rejected by the electorate likely because of grossly mismanaging Gun registry funds was given a second chance at mismanagement. and true to form proceeded to denormalize not industry but the people who used their products, largely ignoring the industry who’s profits continued to grow. The promotion of smoking bans were no less than personal attacks, wide brushing smokers as deserving of a less than humane abuse. Both financially and in driving them from hospitality events Health Canada provided promotions of staring at smokers with looks of disdain.

The most prominent of anti smoker advocates promote restriction of access to employment, Housing and even access to their own children despite the lack of calculated risk of children in the presence of smoking parents. The Physicians for smoke free Canada exemplifies the hypocritical nature of this government sponsored farce. Robert Coleslaw oversaw the research at the WHO, which failed in his stated goal to prove any risk in fact existed, despite this fact he speaks regularly distributing facts he knows to be untrue. His partner in crime; Cynthia Collard will tell you adamantly Tobacco smoke contains 5000 deadly ingredients, however quoting from a recent email exchange, she can not tell you what those contents would be, or even the source of the 5000 claim. You would think a group claiming the tittle "physicians" would be more educated in the principles of spectral analysis obviously a technology they would like to avoid for much more than obvious reasons.

"The fifty that are listed on our web-site are the 50 for which there are federal government regulations requiring measurement.

I don't know of a list of the 4,000 - 5,000 chemicals. As I understand it, the quantity of chemicals was determined (many years ago) using a scientific measurement tool that gave a separate frequency for each chemical identified. Because there were 4000+ frequencies determined, they then established that there were 4000 chemicals present.

I don't know exactly what you need this information for, but if it is of a scientific nature, then I would suggest that you search tobacco industry document web-sites. Most of the scientific work done on cigarette smoke has been done by these companies. One site to try is:; another is Another very reliable source of scientific information on tobacco issues is the Surgeon General's reports from teh United States.

If you have another requirement, please let me know. Perhaps I can find some information"

Cynthia Callard; Executive Director

Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada

1226A Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1Y 3A1

SAMMEC increased the claims of cost for political use, by actually estimating lost income of the smokers themselves and claiming those amounts which went 20 years past normal retirement age as a cost to society and not as a cost if any, of the smokers themselves. Claiming smokers lost wages for deemed premature death as a cost to society being assessed against smokers. If you don’t earn it how can you owe it? Why do smokers owe their own wages to society is a point avoided, yet the news broadcasts continue to repeat a ridiculous claim of cost being taxed against the victims of Government use of convenient logic assessments. The second hand smoke and primary smoke risks are exaggerated with such research as SAMMEC which purposefully targets older populations who smoked prior to the time lowered tar content regulations came into effect in the 60s.

The use of the CPS11 risk factors is deliberate use of statistical numbers created in assessing risk prior to the reductions of tar and implementation of growing conditions. By applying risk factors to the current population they are avoiding any mortality reductions which may have resulted from previous efforts to make the product safer. They destroy the credibility of those researchers who produced the science which was used to promote the original restrictions. In so doing the mortality risk has increased while the government pays these advocates hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars to in effect murder thousands of smokers, in a planned deception of the public. They increase the risk in scary stories to the public as proven in alternate assessments of SAMMEC research and the CPS11 risk calculations by as much as 39%. Smokers became the target while abandoning good science which would reduce total mortality of those smokers significantly.

In Ontario the Provincial government in a move to avoid paying their share of Flue curing processes which removed 90% of harmful Histamines, similarly created and promoted a situation in anti smoking advocacy which has put many of the producers who they cheated out of business. Alternate crops were announced to be the saving grace, until the federal government again intervened to destroy farmers who switched, by lowering trade restrictions devaluing the crops many had switched to in moving away from tobacco. Politicians proudly announced smoking bans as a measure to reduce 47,000 preventable deaths irrespective of the fact the bans do not address the issue. Bans are a protection of non smokers who would be much better served by easily obtained reductions of carcinogenic contents of the tobacco they were being taught to fear. The recent surgeon Generals report takes the gloves off depicting smokers as a detestable subclass who should be avoided at all costs. In Canada despite denials this flies in the face of constitutional protections named in sections 12,15 and 52 in protections of personal rights. If smokers can be identified internationally by a single word description they do form a class which is guaranteed protection in the rule of law.

Here is the reality in who is killing who;

There are a number of studies which demonstrate higher NNK and N-nitrosamines (TSNA) are directly linked to the type of tobacco tested. The burning of tobacco alone does not correlate directly to the levels of cancer causing agents in the smoke produced, however the selection of Tobacco is significantly related to the carcinogenic risks present in the smoke. Tests were done in 1990 of 170 brands in Europe and the USA the results demonstrated clearly although we hear about the cancerous agents in the smoke, we do not see an advocacy driven to protect lives by reducing the levels of tar content or by controlling the type of tobacco being used. The definition of Tobacco smoke is misleading and dangerous in not defining the large variety of tobacco being discussed. There are, despite the denials, significant levels of risk variance depending entirely upon the type of tobacco in the cigarette being smoked. The second hand smoke debate relies entirely upon a risk factor which can be reduced enormously perhaps to a point of no measurable risk by simply restricting tobacco products sold

Abstract from Pub med

“More than 170 types of commercial cigarettes from several European countries and the USA were analyzed for tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA) in tobacco and mainstream smoke as well as for nitrate in tobacco. The cigarettes included filter and nonfilter cigarettes with different tar and nicotine yields. The observed range for N'-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) was from 4 to 1353 ng/cigarette in mainstream smoke and from 45 to 12454 ng/cigarette in tobacco. For 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) the values were between not detected (less than 4 ng/cigarette) and 1749 ng/cigarette in mainstream smoke and between not detected (less than 50 ng/cigarette) and 10745 ng/cigarette in tobacco. Nitrate levels ranged from 0.6 to 19.4 mg/cigarette. The TSNA levels for the cigarettes from the different countries investigated were in a similar range with the exception of few individual brands. The results demonstrated that there is no correlation between TSNA and tar deliveries in mainstream smoke. The TSNA deliveries in mainstream smoke depend on the amount or preformed TSNA in the actual tobacco composition, which is influenced by the nitrate level of the tobacco and the tobacco type. According to these results the tar delivery, although crucial, is not a sufficient index for the biological activity and the carcinogenic potential of cigarette smoke. Reduction of TSNA exposure can be achieved by selecting tobaccos with low levels of preformed TSNA in tobacco, which means a low nitrate content and reduction of the amount of Burley tobaccos and stems in blended cigarettes.”

Related articles 270 articles which could be classified as a more substantial “Growing body of evidence” to demonstrate government incompetence is directly responsible for as many as 98% of the 47,000 preventable deaths we hear about in Canada alone, and if 3000 ETS deaths do occur, all can be directly related to the types of unregulated tobacco in use which increased the risk of carcinogenic content tremendously. Smoking bans were never necessary if not for replacing science with consensus and the elevation of radicals to prominent positions stealing the proxy of the real public. Now the politicians battle cry fat is the new tobacco will degrade more of our neighbors promoting the next step in tax revenue increases by design.

Victim bashing by advocates can be seen as criminal coercion resulting in the deaths of thousands, in distributing fears which demote real science for self important promotional activities. The economic costs of those advocates and the damage they cost society would be seen in the Billions of dollars lost in hospitality industries, The increased crime and violence and the incalculable cost of family tensions promoted. Politics being promoted in sending children home from school firmly believing their own parents wished to do them harm. We used to abhor politics in the class room. Teachers used to respect a code of professional ethics restricting such activities. Today children are used regularly to promote political cause.

As quoted in the London Times article “Smoking ban is based on bad science” the following excerpt reveals a lot in motivations for denormalizing smokers and the true agenda no one seems to want to discuss the public secret legitimizing ban technology;

The committee heard that the “main risk” over passive smoking concerned children who are exposed to cigarette smoke in the home — which the Bill was not designed to address. The report said: “It may be that the unstated objective of policy is to encourage a reduction in active smoking by indirect means. This may well be a desirable policy objective, but if it is the objective it should have been clearly stated.”

Advocates who claim to be concerned with the welfare of others yet avoid the obvious in real mortality reductions predicated in scientific technology, are reprehensible Liars who should themselves be classified as “the new tobacco” maintaining 47,000 preventable deaths for fame and fortune. Anti smoker advocates need to be the next targets of denormalization strategies in a poetic justice campaign.

Here is the adjustment for SAMMEC supported in the Callishaw and Lehey report which is mentioned in the 2000 SAMMEC report.

"Evaluation of SAM estimates has typically been limited to criticism regarding the estimates of relative risks used. For example, following the 1989 Surgeon General's report (4 ), one set of criticisms pointed out that the relative risk estimates used, obtained from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study II (CPS II), were adjusted for age but not for possible confounding factors such as alcohol consumption or dietary factors (11–13). When smoking relative risk estimates were adjusted for potential confounding, the effects on total SAM were found to range from a 26 percent decrease (11) to a 1 percent decrease (12) to a 2.5 percent increase (13). Another set of criticisms remarked that the CPS II relative risk estimates were not generalizable to the entire population (11, 13>). Using an alternate set of relative risk estimates from a more nationally representative US survey yielded SAM estimates 39.5 percent and 16.2 percent lower than those in the Surgeon General's 1989 report (11, 13). Other issues relating to AFp estimation that have been examined include interpretation of multiple competing risks (14), the extrapolation of AFp findings to new populations (18-, 19), the theoretical effect of nondifferential exposure and outcome misclassification on the attributable fraction (20),and the use of broad definitions of exposure"

As for “no safe cigarette” the moral foundation for such a statement is again seen to be deliberate deception;

“The right to health relevant information derives from the principles of autonomy and self direction and has been recognised in international declarations. Providing accurate health information is part of the basis for obtaining "informed consent" and is a recognised component of business ethics, safety communications, and case and product liability law.”

Another questionable advocacy delusion;

Such proposals "push the envelope" of tobacco control into areas where questions need to be asked to ensure tobacco control policies are firmly anchored to scientific evidence and especially concern those who value the freedom of individuals to do what they please to the extent that this does not harm others.2 They invite consideration of whether zero tolerance of public exposure to toxic agents is a reasonable policy for civil societies and whether the loudly proclaimed exquisite sensitivities of a small minority should drive public policy.

Here is the real crime; scientific research Presented by The American Lung Foundation to the EPA 2006. Research information proved without doubt particulate matter in the air to be much more dangerous than properly managed cigarette products. Yet incredibly; to protect political reputations the research was dismissed, despite the reality; they were downplaying physical evidence in favor of consensus rhetoric of fanatical lobbies with little credibility as this document should show. How many will die this year to protect the reputations of criminals?

It will certainly dwarf the numbers associated statistically to smoking.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rights as a two tier system majority vs minority

Year 2010; A Designated Smoking Area

The SG and his report can be seen to be deliberately misleading possibly to the point of criminality, this can be demonstrated if you understand the principles of Case study.

The most recognized definition of case would be as we know in environmental controls. What quantity of exposure would be considered dangerous defined as known safe levels. All elements including air and water are toxic at some level we determine safe levels according to linear measures and historical or exposure levels known in actual incidence to result in adverse health effects.

In epidemiology the calculation begins with a base where no harm exists or an acceptable level we live with, to enable the use of toxic substances in everyday life. Ammonia as an example can cause enormous harm if not used properly. Controls allow it’s use in a variety of ways despite the mortality which still occurs from exposures. The level of acceptable risk or baseline for calculations is one in 10,000 or as a ratio 100 per million at risk. 3000 smoking related cancers although they sound terrible is a calculated risk no actual bodies are involved which in reality is within acceptable limits. 3000 in a 320 million population is below 10 per million or .001 per 10,000. A calculated risk well below acceptable levels, the toxin risk can at the same time be touted as the most toxic substance known to man, eliciting a no safe level exists announcement? How would we rate other toxins in this perspective?

We hear of 30% increased risk in the news daily not knowing a 30% increased population risk would be seen in epidemiology study results as 3000 in 10,000 at risk not the paltry .3 being represented to mean the same thing, in ad agency spin being delivered deceptively as legitimate news.

The lack of credibility in the heart research speaks for itself if exposure results in immediate harm and this harm is irreversible why not fold up the debate and go home? We are all doomed smoking causes all the damage we are almost all exposed already, in a real sense none of us can be harmed any further.

It is well known an advocate or politician will tend to express the extremes as a norm in order to solidify support. How extreme the declaration is entirely relevant to education and respect of ethical principles and of those educated how far they will allow personal ethics to be stretched. Credibility can be destroyed when more convincing evidence is discovered. The more educated can weigh the risks or speak from an ethical perspective in a precautionary principle covering his ass just in case. Currently the public mood is aligned with little caution required which could result in reputation harm. Industry no longer relies on reputation they can simply purchase it in Ad agency spin. The personal financial and prominence gained, allays a lot of fears in reputation losses, with so many so called professionals on board the chances of personal effect are now slim. Unfortunately the more rigidly ethical are not often put in front of TV cameras so we hear little of their views in the public. The more ethical perspectives can be found in books and professional papers we hear little about, the boring crowd. Difficult for the media to sensationalize or for lobby groups to enlist.

Simplistically linearity can be seen as a + b =c or 1+1=2
This can be seen as a plotted graph as multiples of two perspectives or factors
x=number or factor expressing those exposed above a certain level [acceptable risk]
y= mortality outcomes during a time as a horizontal base
The intersection of the two co-ordinates multiple times draws a line which indicates prevalence of growth or decline during a stated time. Epidemiology in case control simply stated; calculates the theoretical numbers by comparing one affected group to a non affected group in an effort to define the outcome positive or negative.

Think of an oscilloscope displaying an AC sine wave the picture on the screen represents a voltage level through a period of time. X is the voltage level at a given instant and Y is the time. The fluctuating voltage is displayed through a complete cycle of time or the given period. What you don’t see is; the picture represents multiple samples added and averaged. The higher the quality of the equipment used the more accurate the displayed image and in turn the confidence of the result. The higher the amount of samples will improve the accuracy of the picture on the screen in respect to what is actually happening.

A screen of a spectrum analyzer may a third dimension which could indicate phase or the time the sample starts as compared to other samples which if a multiple phase shift existed would result in a thickening of the line. Or it could demonstrate power losses in decibel readings across a measured length of wire, a light wave could be analyzed to describe color or contrast which are dependant on more than two factors. the z component.

This would describe in a real life scenario how accuracy is made more focused in the population size being studied If a single x and y co ordinate were the only factors to consider the answers could be simplified. acuracy is increased in the number of samples taken If you do not consider all factors in a proper perspective your conclusions will hold little credibility in comparison to those who follow the process to a more rigid degree. Non linear scale adds additional dimensions the z component represents only a third we could be evaluating hundreds of dimensions which is increasingly much more difficult for most to visualize as each new dimension is added. In linear principles algorithms are defined to flatten the additional dimensions or confounders in order to make a simplistic two dimensional calculation possible, as shown above in x the number of people exposed above a certain level which we know would cause harm. [cause and effect] The EPA is avoiding the z component accuracy problem at the moment in defense of previous statements and shrinking credibility. All the ETS research to date, has to come to terms with new emerging physical research such as the six cities study presented to the EPA this year which was basically ignorred, observational research which proved, the confounding effect of environmental pollution and particulate matter was previously grossly under stated. If you recalculated the effects of the confounding effect on past ETS research, the same research the SG is attempting to use to validify his report [The large body of evidence], The numbers will change significantly in respect to prevalence in community and mortality outcomes. If proper weight were now to be used, the existence of second hand smoke risk could well be eliminated. Thus the “no safe level” statement as a defense in absence of a definitive proof any risk exists at all.

His preference for smaller studies can be seen as proof of this deceptive attitude larger case and control groups would improve the accuracy. Accuracy apparently is not his primary concern.

There is another method to define case in the perspective, we all carry a certain amount of toxins in our bodies and at what point would the accumulation result in harm. Not a definitive; “this toxin will always cause harm”, but how much do we have as an indicator of risk. The 20-30 year reaction to exposure is reliant on accumulated risk within the body. The surgeon general has, as with a lot of TC advocates tended to mix the two case definitions, which obviously confuses the public in not fully understanding the relevance.

The WHO and the EPA are deeply divided on Linear and non linear assessments as an indicator of risk, however both groups and their stakeholders happily mix the results of both types of contradictory research as long as it promotes fear and hate in the public. The methods or their credibility are unimportant as long as both groups continue to sing in harmony in front of the cameras. If a non linear association were valid; case and control studies which define the difference between those affected and not affected would be seen to be much more conclusive obviously the results are anything but conclusive, so the defenders of the status quo fall back to linear studies to defend a weak position. If no safe level exists it comes down to disease tracking to find those exposed who will certainly have effects so definitive other confounders would have little bearing on the subject.

The oil and metal refineries would be elated with a standard so narrow as to eliminate them from suspicion. ETS can not be studied in the absence of confounders and it is common knowledge few would not be exposed, as a non linear case definition, results of the research would create more questions than they could ever answer. This would satisfy polluting industries protections indefinitely in lack of evidence they could do us any harm. Review the discussions of Diesel fuel exhaust, in over 45 years of discussions they always end with more research is required, as they always will in assessing the dangers now existing in the public. Like captains on ships the logic used to be dump the waste, there is so much water it will have little consequence. Factories used to be built on the sides of rivers with the same “the problem will flow elsewhere” mind set. With the volume of air it would be previously unfathomable a single smokestack could raise the levels of the desolate air contaminants above levels which could be detected or cause harm. Now we know those levels are exceeded and are becoming more toxic every day. Smoking is simply a smoke screen to hide larger confounders being given little consideration. As legitimate as the term “smoking related disease” camouflaging other confounders in political rhetoric.

In reviewing the Stakeholder process both at the EPA and the WHO they attempt to produce science to advance objectives, Both groups before the research proceeds [as it is defined] brag how the new body of evidence will be used to advance a cause. The WHO in its HIA health interventions teaches how to define any activity as health related, How to form alliances with like minded groups from around the world to “dominate discussions and eventually dominate decisions”.
Would you consider this a community effort? If the research results were known prior to completion of the studies how credible is the research? Are any of the numbers being parroted more than political estimates with use of scholarly letters of scientific whores? The letters are rented to intentionally sell invented science? Research grants are the rent payments. Those grants are determined largely in public statements which meet advocacy objectives. A real scientific research paper does not include a stated biased objective. Real research is designed to allow the chips to fall where they may. Designed as a follow up to epidemiology theories which should have no evidentiary power beyond the use to track a mono-factorials. Smoking is multi faceted and epidemiology is poorly designed to encompass all the variables due to the human intervention in which the results are highly dependant

The bulk of the SGs report is defined in what he chose to include and a number of larger more definitive reports and evidence he chose to ignore. The EPA would be the first to assign Tobacco smoke a non linear case characteristic in some exposure can be harmless to a certain level without incidence. For example a 5 cigarette a day smoker can be as healthy as a non smoker as seen in a multitude of research including most prominently the Doll 50 year doctors who smoke research. Yet they do not disclose a safe amount of toxins within a body above which harm could occur. More curiously they do not even disclose what toxins they are concerned with, only describing the smoke as a consistent compound, despite the huge variation of contents and quantities possible. At the Phillip Morris site they define if memory serves 400 additives which may or may not be used in formulations. In some countries like Canada no additives are allowed. New mandated fire safe cigarette paper was introduced recently without human testing which adds a new dimension to the mix, are the new additives curative or hazardous” Can we consider use of the product, as human experimentation? Human experimentation devoid of free will choice? Now that TC has successfully defined smokers as a detestable sub class, who will take a human rights complaint seriously? How many years before we know the effects, with such a disorganized array of test methods and principles at play in political consensus defining credible science. Canada has no ability to complete the physical science so they depend on outside sources predominantly the EPA for guidance. They follow a track as arrogant dictators in punishing the victim and blaming the manufacturers for a hazard they first ignored, and now bumble along attempting to apply a professional face on corruption in huge taxation derived of their decipt.

All given credibility by the political puppet representing medicine dressed up in a military uniform? The vision should be considered a perspective in itself, in weighing credibility. The general represents power which reigns as the director of what is acceptable science. Irregardless of observations to the contrary, a purely political promotion. We have all heard only 50% of smokers will die of smoking related diseases. Of the other 50% close to 90% die beyond the age of 70, proof there has to exist, whether in speaking of linear or non linear association, a level of safety, whether immunities or genetics play a large roll or not, this has never been discussed in fact avoided at all costs.

No safe level demonstrates an arrogant attitude. An attitude as a mother speaking to a child who can not explain why she decided to forbid an activity, instead stating “because I say so” as the only explanation required in a superiority belief requiring no more respect be displayed. No safe level demonstrates ignorance of the advocate, in defeat of their own credibility in training or leadership abilities. The expression of non linearity in cause and effect is confused when they define their position using case and control studies which depend on those very linear principles. The DSR not being safe relies on a no safe level proclamation despite the fact even in non linear association some toxic level can be defined as safe while existing in the body. Without a stated level in association with the non linear case, we fall to the idea, since most in the population know what ETS smells like, almost all have been exposed and we will all have adverse reactions regardless of any action. The 50% of smokers who do not die of smoking related disease would therefore be seen as a miracle of divine intervention, for lack of a clear explanation. If we smoke or not or simply smell it, calculations state clearly with a growing body of evidence smoking will kill us all. This eliminates a risk factor as we can not demonstrate any risk increase exists, if you already know how it smells. The fear in the public depends on as they call it a body of evidence that evidence is based in cause and effect research or linearity, they also deny linearity is applicable to smoke research. Opportunistic use to define a position promoting fears and deny its application when it suits their need to develop other fears.

Getting to the bottom of what you are being told is complicated however it depends always on the definition of “case” and “methods” to define case.

There is an excellent explanation of Epidemiology at the BMJ as public access it would do you well to read this report and try to understand the process in so doing understand the numbers being bandied about carelessly by many who don’t understand their significance beyond the ability to scare others into submission.

I would pay special attention to section two in the regard to assessing the SGs report and understand through that, why I would accuse him and others in TC of international rights violations in the use of Coercion to mislead the public in matters of health information.

You can read about you rights in that regard here.