Proctor described the identical strategy in a series of books, which won him an award from the medical community. He described how to moralize the use of Hitler’s process to lead medical decisions and Health protection strategies in dominance principles taking advantage of moral ethics existing in the target demographic.
HIA health interventions as described at the World Health Organization establish three political tools Government now utilizes for control and profits. For your own good and we must protect the children
-First through training and examples the stakeholder is taught how to link any event to Health.
-Second Protection of Children as the most predominant choice of strategies provides a highroad position offering through protection of children an indefensible position to dissenters. This allows many willing participants to be drawn in and media based public censures will draw in many unwilling participants proxies in order to maintain public images.
-Third is the domination strategy which through control of who is allowed to present an opposing argument along with the use of many stakeholders willing or not a discussion can be controlled allowing the ability to create facts through consensus regardless of what science and common sense would normally dictate. This allows pretty well any political direction with established facts a basis for direction and expenditures.
Strategies where this process was used can be seen in smoking bans, Bicycle helmets, Fat campaigns, Deadbeat dads, Homosexual rights, Flue pandemics, Freon causing damage to the ozone layer despite being 4 times heavier than oxygen and The Kyoto accord treaty allowing global warming theories taking precedence over smog created by megatons of Nox and Sox emissions of industry as opposed to CO2 emissions which amount to plant food. Facts to support any argument can be created at will any case study result can become an argument through consensus view determining relevance in what ever is found.
This book can allow a lot of insight in who you think are now controlling the Liberal party and who they actually are.