Wednesday, December 21, 2005

News article

News & Views

The nanny state or the nazi state

by Klaus Rohrich

The sound of jackboots reverberating through the night is back. This time, however, the jackboots are birkenstocks and tasseled loafers. It’s the health Nazis who are marching to save us from ourselves.

Like the Nazis of the 1930s, this new wave of fascists began insidiously under the guise of improving our longevity and the quality of our lives. They have since evolved into a repressive regimen that threatens to regulate even the smallest and least significant of our habits.

It all began some 25 years ago when some kind soul thought it might be a good idea for everyone who rides a motorcycle to wear a helmet. Many voluntarily chose to do so. But, since the idea was not universally or voluntarily accepted, the New Fascists lobbied to have legislation enacted to force people to do so. The rationale was that it would reduce fatalities and insurance rates.

Notice anything different about highway fatalities or insurance rates?

They segued from motorcycle helmets to smoking with the subtlety of a sidewinder. First it was ‘no smoking’ sections in restaurants. Then came no smoking in the workplace. Then, separately vented smoking rooms in restaurants, then no smoking in any public building. Now they are pursuing no smoking policies in any public place. Is there a pattern here?

In the U.S., legislation is being drafted that makes smoking in a home or area that contains children, child abuse with penalties similar to those imposed on people who violently harm their children.

As I pass by building entrances around which smokers are huddled indulging in their addiction, I am reminded of the gradual marginalization of the Jews at the hands of fascists and wonder if smokers will some day be rounded up in the middle of the night and packed into boxcars.

Once the anti-smoking initiatives became successful, the New Fascists have realized they’ve struck paydirt. Following their stunning courtroom victories against big tobacco companies, they have forged an unholy alliance with trial lawyers and are starting to go after anything that moves.

Recently some trial balloons were floated to see if the time was ripe to go after fast food outlets. Some poor unfortunate moron in the U.S. launched a suit against KFC, Burger King and others, hoping to collect damages for the heart disease and high blood pressure that he claimed was brought on through his decades of eating at these places. While the suits were summarily dismissed, don’t believe for a minute that this is the end of it. The suit was a bellwether that will ultimately lead to the rape and pillage of the fast food business in similar fashion to the tobacco industry.

Equally there are initiatives afoot to hold gun manufacturers legally accountable for street crimes. Several suits have been launched in the U.S. with less than successful results. But, as people’s attitudes change the idea of suing gun manufacturers will be revisited. You can count on it.

And speaking of guns, gun control is the next battle in the war to save us from ourselves. In Canada, we’ve spent a billion dollars on a gun registry that basically criminalized law-abiding citizens and did nothing to save even one life, despite the government’s propaganda to the contrary. This year in Toronto gun violence is at an all-time high. Yet still the New Fascists are claiming victory by citing the fact that police forces across the country are consulting with the gun registry in an effort to solve crimes. It’s a sure bet that the majority of the guns police are inquiring about are not registered, meaning the billion they’ve blown on registering guns have made absolutely no difference to street crime.

Do you see a pattern here? We are gradually being deprived of basic rights all in the name of keeping us safe. The key assumption is that we are incapable of looking after ourselves, so we need the Nanny State to do it for us.

We are not allowed to be responsible for our bad habits or behaviour, because personal responsibility is a key ingredient of democracy.

We smoke not because we chose to. but because we are addicted and tobacco executives engineered that addiction. It’s not because we choose to smoke. We’re obese. That’s because there are so many fast food restaurants and not because we are too lazy or ignorant to prepare a well-balanced, nutritious meal. People are shooting each other to death in the streets of our cities. It’s the fault of gun companies and not the fault of the perpetrators, who happen to have anger issues or got a raw deal from society.

If you’re wondering what the future holds, my guess is more of the same. Just look at all the juicy targets that are still untouched. No one has really taken a good run at SUVs yet. What about beer companies or distilleries? Nightclubs are a good next target as are professional sports organizations (I have high blood pressure because watching the game stressed me out) There’s a lot of fertile ground.

Safety, security and freedom from responsibility come at a pretty high price as the Nanny State gradually turns into the Nazi State.

Right or Left always avoid the evil which lies in the center

Liberal is no longer what most believe it to be

When Sheila was pushed out of a Party she had supported lifetime.
She made one simple statement " their are some very dangerous people running the Liberal party."
Time some of us started to realize what that meant. Paul Martin claims being a Liberal is a sign of higher intelligence not possible across the floor. Democracy is about debate passion comes from the debate without opposition we have dictatorship. Candidates are sent to Ottawa to represent the people those representatives when insulted or ignored in fact are representative of a population who are also being insulted and ignored. Martin states he will not support the majority in favor of minorities’ sounds nice in news bytes but his job demands he do exactly that. If a minority has a problem with government it would be up to them to convince all parties the problem exists, which needs repair. If an argument is present by opposing members they represent the voters who agree with them or the job will be up for debate during the following election. Ad agency spin can not oversee the rules of a democracy if an injustice occurs it is for the courts to decide. Making Law is the business of government the issues of healthcare child care and marriages are all provincial jurisdictions. Martin seeks to take the jurisdiction of the provinces into his own realm this violates the entire confederation agreement, which formed this country.

Social Marketing is "the application of marketing technologies developed in the commercial sector to the solution of social problems where the bottom line is behavior change." It involves: "the analysis, planning, execution and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences to improve their personal welfare and that of society."

This message is from our Federal government while they are not intruding on provincial jurisdiction.

The message?
It's OK for the government to change what Canadians think as opposed to listening to what we do think.

Also a contradictory view of Liberals proud of our Canadian heritage, and determined to change it through nation building Martin talks about all the time. What can one expect from an Industrialist leading a socialist party. Socialism of the industrial view as opposed to John Lenin’s perspective they love to emulate.

Over reaching is a catchy phrase when you come to media spin it really means exaggeration and lies. Martin uses the term all the time. In anti smoker campaigns in Ontario we learned through the hub of government knowledge a website called stupid. Smokers are self-indulgent, harm others without remorse, smell like dog crap and kill babies and abuse their own children. The casualties are of course posted on Health Canada's website with more Government intelligence gathered by consensus of well paid NGOs or Lobby groups Government mercenaries who verbalize what the government dare not.

For instance the research on Health Canada’s website inadvertently proves we should all be smoking with 2/3 reduction in use and dangerous ingredients strict regulations in growing conditions and new curing processes reducing 90% of the histamines. We saw a dramatic rise in mortality in the past 45 years smoking related disease has risen by the same 2/3-figure smoking was reduced.

Go figure. Sir Richard Doll would roll over in his grave laughing if he heard what they are claiming about second hand smoke. In a Smokey bar, et al; Repace Australia 2005, Total hazardous chemicals 163 Nanograms per cubic meter oxygen, measured and verified by numerous named studies he referred to.

He claimed this level was 10,000 times the known safe level, this established the known safe level at 1.63 Pico grams per cubic meter of oxygen. He stated this was the level recognized by the American government in water air and food listed as an extreme health risk and a known carcinogen.

He went on to say after smoking bans the measured levels were 9 Nanograms per cubic meter still beyond known safe levels by simple calculation in a non smoking environment the known safe level is known to be exceeded by more than 500 times.

For comparison Benzene is a known carcinogen the known safe level is 1 part per million or 360 milligrams per cubic meter of air. The same federal government just increased the standard for Benzene in auto fuel to 1 liter per hundred. How many know what gasoline smell like?

Diesel fuel exhaust set records for growing cancers in a petrie dish real science calls diesel exhaust a carcinogen a fact they have known for 50 years successful lobby groups have kept the name Diesel off the carcinogens list. With little fanfare or media attention it was finally listed this year. How many unsuspecting mothers have been pushing baby carriages into bus and train stations for years not knowing what risk they place on their baby even today? Yet deadly invisible missiles from cigarette smoke are seen as child abuse. How many cancers have resulted over the years due to exposure to diesel and gasoline fumes, yet virtually no funds from Cancer institutes to measure the effects?

Philanthropy from the oil companies funding medical universities and involvement as sponsoring NGOs has protected oil companies for years from a label of mass murderer which would make Tobacco manufacturers pale by comparison. Come to think of it where did the business practices and ethics schooled to oil company executives originate if not with Rockefeller dominance strategies. They taught Hitler how to moralize his decisions in eugenics principles. Similar to the ethical values we see today in Canadian politics.

Multi cultural heritage is in fact a short lived heritage it began with Trudeau's rendition of a constitution Cretin took it to new levels only to be out done by Martin. Divisions of culture to augment reginalization nice little boxes for management purposes and to be played against each other to embellish leadership during an election. The press? Well in hand, as the Federal government is the largest purchaser of media in Canada. The Pan Canadian strategy will soon have us paying 75% sin taxes on hamburger and allowing 300% tax rebates to industry friends who advertise healthy choices. Gifts all around will keep medical and media communities singing along for decades. Zieg Heil.

Canadian Heritage is and was always one culture not many. Others don't deserve to live in culturally diverse neighborhoods they deserve to live in mine.

Red was the dot on the planes which bombed pearl harbor, The arm bands on the nazi SS and of course the Chinese and Russian flags among others. At a time when someone could be run out of town on a rail for supporting Socialism we wound up with a red maple leaf, signifying the end of Canadian culture and Identity. Martin now goes the next step as a centrist he steals what is popular from the Left and the right and goes the third way. It was amusing to hear one of his supporters recently calling an opponent the name befitting the elitist single party dictators.