Saturday, March 18, 2006

Voodoo and Gypsies are highly under rated

With respect to ballooning costs of healthcare, perhaps it is time we looked at viable and economical alternatives from a purely ethical perspective. Hope may yet be found in obtaining valuable health information in reassessing credibility at source. We are at a crossroad with an aging population. The costs of healthcare on it’s current track will assure many will die of premature deaths directly related to a highly flawed and unethical medical community. The process of discovery producing timely and relevant health advice can be seen as a huge expensive albatross not able to find the pocket, let alone their car keys. We need to do away with the epidemiology model and replace it with something more reliable. The expansive knowledge necessary to form opinions based on extremely complicated calculations based in memories of the respondents as a base of knowledge with which to do comparative estimates with another group similarly disadvantaged in the level of memory skills available. So dependent are people’s lives on the correct placement of a decimal point and the energy remaining in a calculator battery. It is not hard to imagine the system requires repair. I would suggest an implementation into the medical process of determinants with more conclusive results not requiring interpretive logic skills, colossal paper trails with excuses for inexplicable inaccuracies in logic not consistent with historical experiences or wasting the effort involved by allowing credibility to be dismissed based on the party paying the bill.

I believe from a logical perspective we could find much more integrity of process in the implementation of Tarot cards or a simple dartboard to decide without doubt or bias the unknowns in medical research as it is now directed. The simplicity and savings realized to obtain relevant information that is more reliable, in an improved stable process could not be dismissed fool hardily, as we continue on our current path of certain destruction. The public already has a lot more confidence in the new methodology and the cost savings certainly would make for some huge political popularity points.

When you consider the latest headlines outlining how our research dollars are being used in fraudulent and unethical ways, it should be made clear to all, your rights to autonomy requires anyone relaying health relevant information if that information is false or inaccurate they take themselves beyond just perspectives of unethical behavior or quacks. They can in reality be seen as criminals for knowingly relaying health information which has the potential to cause harm to others. We set standards of integrity to protect the public from acts of unethical behavior. For years now those rules have been ignored universally in the scientific community wishing to please their masters.

There are many discussions in the realm of scientific integrity and the discarded values of ethical behavior in the pursuit of a smoker-free world. Ignorant to the crimes they commit on others, they plod on. Inexperienced mathematicians calling themselves researchers, breach the rules daily as they produce immense piles of scientific garbage in what we understand is valid evidence discovered repeatedly; ETS is a carcinogen and an extreme health hazard. The Borg infected researchers with their comatose like ignorance, attempt to employ the mathematical calculations of disease tracking to create facts relating to cigarette smoke which fly in the face of real scientific discovery, and historical observations of the so called smoking pandemic related diseases. In front of TV cameras, they chant in tongues their theoretic announcements and how closely to everyone’s amazement and shock, research fits the pattern being purchased by their benefactors. All the researchers and politicians are now as loyal slaves to industry bought and paid for, with the interest and investment returns earned on trillions of dollars promised to charity no less, while the fools in community pay taxes allowing the creation of these massive war chests.

There can be little doubt the rekindling of Hitler’s campaign against smokers which he later aimed at ethnic groups he disapproved of, has once again in his model been quite successful in turning peaceful communities upon themselves. The enormous expenditures purchasing public acceptance and silence of those who would speak against the assault dictating what is decided for you is acceptable. The resources which would be normally funding infrastructure and feeding the poor are now diverted into grandiose schemes to build enormous healthcare bureaucracies to protect the people from themselves. Who needs a Taliban guard posted on every corner? We have cameras and neighbors trained to report on each other for the protection of the public good. An adjustment to a public space definition, a tweak on the hate crimes rules and off you go into a controlled environment automated and dictated on the 6 o’clock news.

But how did this happen?

The problem starts here. We take tobacco smoke, which can be produced in a number of different ways, primarily burning a vast array of ingredients making what one would think a number of different products. Again, those who control the rules of the game are allowed to define all of these products as one with only one possible description regardless if smoke is produced or not. Bring on the mathematician who, although they know well the single product scenario, is dishonest at best. Driven by hopes of gold coins and their 15 minutes of fame they press forward with the rationale; the government wants this and everyone else is doing it. So it begins, the voyage of discovery, similar to discovering the 7-11 on the corner down the block. The same place he gets his slurpies every time he is due for a break.

Vast impeccably stated calculations, bar charts, graphs and pictures if diseased organs, defining the smoke as a single dimensional vector ignoring as many potential confounders as the peer review will allow. The puzzling thing no matter how many twists and contortions of the results are made we cannot avoid the ever present possible confounders, might, may, should, could, if and a variety of other carefully injected descriptors to explain why significant proof is missing.

Ethical malaise is started by accepting smoke as a disease, which it clearly is not.

Smoke is produced in a number of different mixtures resulting in a number of different smoke creations.

Smoking habits vary by the individual.

They cannot be defined beyond grouping of similar habits which, even with the aid of the best of memory, research values could vary significantly from the gathered evidence.

With the smoking lifespan of the individual, too many variables are evident. Stress increases smoking, being over tired or impaired in addition to many other lifetime factors affect the research.

Additionally, where smoking is done in the pristine (if you discount the air quality} wilderness or a smoke filled steelmill, too many variables to simply afford a single dimensional vector to any individual let alone a group.

Regardless of the reality which exists, the researcher can accept a wide berth of interpretation in defining a single product he allows as a single dimensional disease vector. A vector designed for him by others to fit the mold of his discovery process in pursuit of a predetermined outcome. The outcome announced in the title of his stated theory. In conclusions it can be determined, however; no room for variance will be afforded. There is a non-linear dose response relationship due to the unpredictability of the resulting relationship to the selected disease. A shocking discovery to some, affording the no safe level announcement by the modern day tambourine brigade in anti-smoker advocacy.

Benefactors coincidentally, we are assured, who help fund the research facts by design. It can be nothing more than coincidence the same industry charity foundations funding both parties also would find financial gains determined in what was discovered. Charity truly has its rewards; for the rich, benefits can be collected right here on earth no need to visit Heaven, if indeed they could ever find it.

In a purely ethical perspective, the researchers hold no value in personal integrity or ethical behavior the fear and smear gang in kind, knowing the quality of the facts created validify the deceit. Selling their own and others’ professional integrity in the process.

Criminals, every one of them, robbing us all of the protection of credible science and information concerning our health which is our right above the right of others to spew political truths with no valid basis.

The two most significant effects of smoker-ban crimes against humanity; would be the elevated levels of violent crime in a community set upon itself, and the loss of public confidence in governments and the scientific community at large. They are all as stakeholders able to illicit payments for their efforts today however, who will stand and declare integrity in the days ahead?

Surely, no one employed in a professional career should wish to be looked upon as a clown.

Perhaps in the end, the pricing for medical services could be reduced to the level of gypsy ladies telling fortunes in the circus, who it appears at the moment the public finds much more credible.


Be Careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint

Mark Twain {1835-1910}

Friday, March 10, 2006

Fighting back

If anyone is serious about turning the tide of anti smoker advocacy back against it's suporters, here is a sample of a complaint I registered with the Canadian Federal Broadcast Regulators. I await the results, a reply is promissed within 10 days. If more complaints of this variety started to happen internationally UN agencies and Public health agencies would have a lot of damage control to deal with, in order to save face in Government. Guess who will be blamed in damage control? Those who presented incomplete and misleading information which inspired the bans that's WHO. International criminals.


I am writing to request an official complaint be investigated with respect to CTV News net. I found it highly insulting and repulsive for a major news broadcast to indicate because I smoke I could be referred to as a non-Human species. The headline Smokers an endangered species, is only the tip of the years long campaign of hate and segregation being logged against those who choose to use a legal product.

I demand CTV retract this offensive editorial and apologize to 6 million Canadians they have insulted on numerous occasions directly and through distribution of hate filled content in what they dispense.

Law abiding friends and neighbors are being taught by this and other media groups to hate and distance themselves from others with no crime or damage as the motive. I would propose those broadcasters dispensing medical advice should at minimal have credentials checked to validate their legal right to do so.

The Ontario Government teaches children through a website appropriately named stupid, their own parents harm others smell like dog crap and kill defenseless babies. The Health Canada website reiterates the claim smokers are in fact killing babies. There is absolutely no credible science to substantiate such claims in fact targeted research done by the World Health organization contradicts what we hear in the popular media every day.

I have included a link clearly demonstrating the hate being promoted and the damage the media groups do to community in fear mongering campaigns. This vigilante justice consistent and repetitive fears and smears campaign has gone beyond the limits of advocacy but approaches international crimes of autonomy reminiscent of 1930s Germany. I would like to refer your organization to a paper published in the British medical Journal if individual rights violations are in doubt the article describes clearly what those rights entail. The ad agency fear mongering being presented as news by an agency with a duty to clear and credible presentations, in regard to the trust the public affords them, is a matter of serious concern.

There should be clear regulations in place to make these groups clearly identify the source and if the article is news worthy, a paid ad or worthy of credibility with the evidence offered to substantiate claims being presented in an unbiased presentation. Media groups who are placed in a position of trust and are able to guide public opinion reflecting in our abilities to make important choices. Autonomy rights are among those I speak of. Political branding could well be investigated as well as it is no secret the major media groups demonstrate clear political biases proven in the long list of controversial news items glossed over or never reported at all. We hear instead new studies and research presented daily of questionable origin. The fact word for word study reports are seen presented on numerous networks simultaneously, a concern is exasperated as to the source of this information.

The law is clear we have the right to the best available information concerning our health the news groups need to cease in the presentation of such information unless they are prepared to accept full responsibility if the information is found to be false or damaging to others.

The groups are reporting information easily mistaken for news without conscience or shame, it appears they have never investigated most of the materials presented with any substantial or credible effort otherwise competent and responsible journalists would never be presenting such hateful demeaning reports.

In evaluation of many of the anti smoker strategies which in fact support the cigarette and Nicotine delivery industries as evident in quarterly profit reports. Punishing the victim while protecting the product is the flavor of the day. How many smokers can compare the ingredients on the side of the package to make clear decisions with respect to what they are using? Is a bag of potato chips more dangerous than a package of cigarettes? It appears the lack of regulation in product ingredients could be responsible for increased smoking deaths, popularly called “preventable” in the News. If as the news reports indicate they are “preventable” why is the public being led to believe the protection of non-smokers will aid in that prevention. Alternatively, a government position; the victims of an unsafe unregulated addictive product are responsible for medical costs as an indefensible excuse for convenient and excessive taxation.

There is indisputable evidence Chlorine mixed with organic materials creates Dioxins the media groups in campaigns designed to protect manufacturers may have allowed the thousands of preventable cancer deaths to go unchallenged when a simple regulation banning the use of chlorine decades ago could have been highly beneficial.

In contrast, perspective real science dealing with the product in place of taxation and abuse of the victims would result in an inclusive solution respectful to all. There is an excellent article in BMJ, which gives good reason why deception in seek of the common good is a huge mistake, which no doubt is already seeing dangerous repercussions. Anti smoker advocacy is being seen for what it really is manipulative and deceptive violating international rights of the individual to the best quality information available. CTV and others could well be involved an a criminal act if they are knowingly supplying false or deceptive information I have on numerous occasions attempted to contact the media groups to comment on stories presented although many others like myself have supplied them with information contradicting what they present apparently there is a selection process in respect to opinions which can be made public.

I believe my rights have been violated long enough. If the Canadian broadcast media is to be involved in propaganda campaigns, originating in a socialist government campaign which clearly advocates for the profits of corporations to the detriment of the individuals I would like to challenge their right to a license as a credible news channel they do not reflect Canadian Culture or values or respect my rights as a citizen or guarantees to the person described in the constitution.

I am a human being deserving of equal respect, contrary to their presentations.

I am far from extinct contrary to the advice of their clients.

I do not believe any company describing themselves as a media group presenting “news” has a right to a broadcast license to do so if the quality of material is less than total honesty, to inform the public in an unbiased way, as opposed to attempts to lead the public in what we will decide is the public mood. The quality of news on this network would more adequately be described as parroted views of advertisements to reflect the views if the sales department devoid of respect for the audience they report to.

There are serious health concerns in this country which are not being aided by lobbying efforts of media groups attacking weak government officials to achieve paid advocacy roles to promote little more than control of market share. The broadcast news in this country has failed to take out the trash, as we trusted them to do. Regulation is the only avenue left to dissuade the undermining of broadcast media through large purchasing power of stakeholder partnerships in Government, industry and institutionalized permanent charity groups to fulfill their own monetary objectives. The disease and poverty, which could have been avoided through responsible investment, of the funds in question, could have benefited us all.

Best Regards;

Referenced materials

Rights of the individual

Research by the World health Organization

Result of the hate campaigns indefensible in any perspective.

“When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person,
don't be surprised if they learn their lesson."

- Will Rogers

Monday, March 06, 2006

Dioxin arguments.

What if they have been barking up the wrong tree?

Warning; Those easily insulted by non-politically correct views; please save your immortal soul, protect your offspring avoid other global calamities ending in the destruction of the universe and read no further.

Lets get radical for a bit. I am saying way out there in left field among the kooks and deranged individuals. Away from government, sensibilities decreeing the product needs no scrutiny, it is the victim that needs to be blamed. Taking the product off the shelf, until it could be proven safe for consumption solved tainted tuna. Dealing with the product missed a huge opportunity in taxing the hospital patients for costs to health care. How do we in our wisdom, define a cigarette? Medicinal benefits would define it as a drug requiring a drug classification. Environmental issues would require monitoring by the ministry of the environment. Cigarettes are believed to be, by the federal Government and the World Health Organization, best suited as a political issue now regulated by the political consensus driven Ministry Of Health in an apparent vacuum well insulated from the knowledge of other departments.. A ministry whose head scientist is limited by lack of training it appears his background has been dedicated to political study. He is not well equipped to handle the issues of public safety at hand outside of the political implications, which promote through slander and segregation special taxation in direct contravention of the Canada health act. Ad agency spin in “Social Marketing” describes through the ministry website directives; attempts to direct what Canadians think as opposed to understanding what we actually do think. Gomery touched on that line of thinking and the dangers to integrity of Government process through political party branding. The 47,000 preventable deaths of smokers are currently, and we believe wisely, being cured by protecting non-smokers from inhaling less than 1/100,000 the concentration inhaled by smokers. This would indicate the powers that be find those smokers deaths inevitable and acceptable. Further to use those deaths as an abstract for political expediency is also an acceptable act. Deaths of 1/2 of the current 6 million smokers are actually seen to be inconsequential The fact the figure describes smoker deaths not non-smokers deaths can also easily be dismissed in kind, as long as the product produces profit, taxation levels will be maintained, which serves quite well the majority of community. The arguments of science and common sensibilities would have us actually punishing the manufacturers. Contrary to public belief that has not yet happened. In fact tobacco settlements removing manufacturers from further future liability in the United States were marked up and passed on to consumers, as were all the special billing for universal health care in Canada known as tobacco taxes. Stated to be cost to healthcare yet amounts are consistent with WHO recommendations price increases as “5% above the inflation rate for the next 5 years” Elimination of advertising and sponsoring of public events goes straight to the manufacturers bottom line. Not much wonder the Federal government was investing pension funds in big tobacco; profits have never been higher and cost of production never lower. Allowing unrestricted cheaper imported products to flow into Canada to compete with domestic regulated products again increased the share equity position.
Leading us to the obvious question; who are the real “paid stooges to big Tobacco”?
Soon similar taxation of the Pan Canadian strategy will expand the plan into the grocery stores. Hardly an attempt to hold manufacturers responsible, if indeed they are creating a health risk, efforts are aimed at passing liability again to the victims. The proposed 75% taxation of hamburger and 300% rebates to healthy food advertisers will suit a public need for increased taxation and party branding among media groups profiting from the promotion. It can be assumed the damage to the cattle industry will be temporary as were the detrimental effects to the hospitality industry through the imposition of smoking bans.
If truth were known the only one, of all the 5000 ingredients in Tobacco smoke all with safe levels measured in milligrams per cubic meter of air is of course dioxin. Dioxin requires 3 ingredients Ammonia, Organic material and a low temperature flame. Recent research in Japan showed no Dioxin in the paper or the Tobacco however, Dioxin did exist in the smoke. At the world trade center Dioxin levels monitored at levels below .16 Nana grams per cubic meter of air were considered safe. Co-incidentally the same safe level referred to by James Repace as his known safe level in air water and food he states according to the US government. It could be suspected the no safe level is actually predicated on this level of harm as are predictions of 42% of the public will get cancer at some point. This percentage is very close to the known risk of persons with maximum accumulated state levels of Dioxin stored in their body fat. Even without smoking, we will all likely reach the maximum saturation or state level due to other sources.
Fat really is the new tobacco.
This would say the medical charities and the health departments have been a little short of entire honesty in what they know is likely the most predominant cancer risk in smoking. This would allow us a new radical thought lets say a government 40 years ago banned the use of chlorine in cigarettes how many of the 47,000 preventable deaths would have actually been prevented. By rough calculation 2/3 the same level smoking has been reduced in that time frame. In the same period smoking related diseases increased by the same 2/3 level. A simple examination of dioxin poisoning and medical outcomes in fact will show clearly a Dioxin parallel to everything they say about smoking and the related diseases. If in fact you take their numbers as gospel you will by examining the side of a cigarette package and a few calculations quickly see; The levels of dioxin produced by a single package are in excess of 2 milligrams 1 milligram of Dioxin inhaled by a smoker every day will ultimately lead to the punishment the Ontario health department spoke of in “quit or be punished”. We shut down an incinerator in Toronto with dioxin levels a million times lower. Yet the government in efforts of protecting 6 million smokers fails to announce the full harm or do anything to reduce it. One can only conclude the death penalty is alive and well and living in Ontario. Industry health and safety controls are in fact a fictional political euphemism.

Note; the diesel trucks hauling the Toronto garbage are producing Dioxins thousands of times higher than the original incinerator. Simply increasing the temperature of burning by as little as 300 degrees could, have eliminated the dioxin in the original incinerator. But hey that’s just the radical view. Your doctor does know best. Huge sums being paid in the trucking deals are simply a matter of public demand among a public who were largely unaware a problem existed, prior to ad agency media campaigns of yet unknown origin.

The Evidence File

“3.17 Potential effects. Some industrial chemicals and pesticides in the environment have been linked to lung diseases, reproductive problems and birth defects, developmental disorders, allergic reactions, lowered resistance to disease in humans and cancer. In wildlife, eggshell thinning, deformities, reproductive dysfunction, tumors, embryo and adult mortality have been linked to toxic substances.
3.18 Toxicity and risk. Generally, toxicity refers to the capability of a substance to injure humans and ecosystems. In this sense, all substances - both natural and synthetic - are potentially toxic. But it is the dose that makes the poison: even highly toxic substances will not cause harm unless people or wildlife are exposed to them in air, water, soil or food.
3.19 The concept of risk is central to federal decision-making on toxic substances and, by extension, was central to this audit. In simple terms, risk refers to the probability of experiencing harm combined with the extent of that harm. It is a function of the hazard presented by a substance and of our exposure to it. Estimating risk is not simple, and risk assessment is almost a scientific discipline unto itself. In theory, scientific calculations of the risk posed by some industrial chemicals and pesticides can be compared with levels considered to be acceptable and with the risk posed by other activities or conditions. The relative priority of the substances can then be established, and the environmental, social and economic costs and benefits of reducing the associated risk can be evaluated.
3.20 We live in a world full of risk. Driving a car, taking medication, smoking, and sunbathing are all activities that have a risk associated with them. Some risks result from personal choices; others are imposed on us. The extent to which toxic substances in the environment pose significant risks to human health and ecosystems is not a matter of scientific consensus. Some believe that the risks posed are insignificant - or at least acceptable - especially compared with other risks encountered and tolerated every day. Others disagree.
3.21 We are often faced with choices involving trade-offs between risks and benefits. Modern chemicals provide important economic, health and social benefits. Therefore, actions to reduce risks by eliminating exposure can have significant economic and social implications. For this reason, stakeholders often debate whether the costs of reducing the risks, including lost uses of the substance, are worth the benefits.
3.22 The use of chlorine to disinfect drinking water is an example of the complexity of risk as it pertains to toxic substances. The use of chlorine has been heralded as one of the most successful public health initiatives ever and is believed to prevent thousands of potentially fatal infections each year. Recently, however, chlorination by-products in drinking water have been linked to cases of bladder cancer, illustrating that there are benefits and risks associated with the same activity.”

Environmental smoke types have never been clearly defined and are actually the products of burning many quite different substances some obviously much more harmful than others.
Sales-weighted average tar and nicotine contents (as measured by standard laboratory methods) have declined significantly since the 1950s in some parts of the world. The chemical composition of smoke depends on (a) the type of tobacco; (b) cigarette design, including filtration, blend selection (e.g., reconstituted sheet, expanded tobacco), ventilation, paper and additives; and (c) the smoking pattern.

2). The following site-specific sections are for those sites for which we now believe there to be sufficient evidence, since the 1986 monograph (3), to conclude that smoking is a cause of cancer. (Note: although much of the evidence is based on cigarette smoking, many of the papers also contained information on other forms of tobacco smoking. Consequently, we use the generic term "tobacco" to include all forms of smoking. In addition, the term "non-smokers" as used by the authors, usually means the more appropriate term "never smokers.")

Surprisingly there was another side to the debate although the public was not allowed to hear it

Perhaps more surprising are press reports that Neil Collingshaw, the acting chief of the World Health Organisation's tobacco and health unit in Geneva, apparently did not know that such a study was being undertaken.3

The hot air on passive smoking

Experts who evaluated studies seem not to have had relevant experience

Opinions depend on what sort of evidence is thought most convincing

BAT has not tried to discredit data on passive smoking

Perhaps more surprising are press reports that Neil Collingshaw, the acting chief of the World Health Organisation's tobacco and health unit in Geneva, apparently did not know that such a study was being undertaken.3 Also surprising are comments from Sir Richard Doll that the full study had been submitted to two journals and rejected by both (BBC News 24, 1998 Mar 15). I assume that we will never know whether the BMJ considered and rejected the study and, if it did, for what reason.
All scientists interested in this area of research await the full report, although Action on Smoking and Health's website carries what it describes as the "formal abstract of the WHO paper (unpublished)" ( This abstract reconfirms that the overall findings of the study are of a small positive association for spousal and workplace exposure, neither association being significant. This finding is consistent with results of previous research on spousal exposure, which in general show small positive associations that are not significant, and data on workplace exposure, which provide little or no indication of an increase in risk.
The "formal abstract" also reports: "Childhood exposure to ETS [environmental tobacco smoke] and exposure in vehicles and in public settings were not associated with lung cancer risk." The IARC's biennial report also suggests that there is little or no increase in the overall risk of adenocarcinoma.
The interpretation of low risk epidemiology is a matter of serious debate. If large studies, whatever they are considering, fail to find significant increases in risk then one must question whether there is a real increase in risk and, if there is, if that risk is quantifiable. To lower the standard of scientific debate simply because it concerns tobacco is unjustified.
MP's Report Canada's Charities: A Need for Reform
What follows in this paper is one backbench Member of Parliament's attempt to identify some of the problems that have accumulated in Canada's not-for-profit sector. This has been done mainly by studying the annual financial information forms (T3010) of about 600 charities. As the information on these forms is often of very poor quality, the analysis is certainly not definitive.

World Health Organization ETS research; No significant harm in ETS
Cause specific mortality and cancer incidence among employees exposed to 2,3,7,8-TCDD after a 1953 reactor accident
RESULTS: The estimated dose of TCDD for 135 men was > or = 0.1 microgram/kg body weight and for 69 men > or = 1 microgram/kg body weight. Increased cancer risk ratios were found with higher doses of TCDD and longer interval since first exposure for all sites combined and digestive and respiratory cancers in particular. Within the high dose group (> or = 1 microgram/kg body weight), total cancer mortality was increased > or = 20 years after first exposure (13 cases, standardised mortality ratio (SMR) 1.97, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.05-3.36) as was respiratory cancer (six cases, SMR 3.06; 95% CI 1.12-6.66). Among current cigarette smokers, 12 cancer deaths occurred in the high dose group (SMR 3.42, 95% CI 1.77-5.97) compared with seven deaths at lower doses of TCDD (SMR 1.29, 95% CI 0.52-2.66). Regression analyses based on the Cox's proportional hazards model provided further evidence of a relation between cumulative dose of TCDD and occurrence of both overall and digestive cancer. No evidence of an effect of TCDD on overall mortality or deaths due to circulatory disease was found and no cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or soft tissue sarcoma have been found to date. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are consistent with a carcinogenic effect induced by TCDD at doses > or = 1 microgram/kg body weight. With such a small cohort, the risk estimates are not very stable and could be affected by selection and confounding.

Dioxin effects explained
Apart from new epidemiologic data since 1997, there are also new experimental studies (some of them used in the recent WHO risk assessments) and advances in the understanding of mechanisms of action of dioxins, particularly concerning the AhR. The AhR is a nuclear receptor and transcription factor. In the presence of TCDD, it forms an active heterodimer with the aromatic hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT/HIF-1β) and induces (or suppresses) the transcription of numerous genes, including P4501A1 (CYP1A1) (Whitlock 1999). In the last few years, additional components of the AhR complex have been identified, including the AhR repressor, AhR-interacting protein (also known as XAP2), Rb protein, receptor-interacting protein 140, SRC-1, p23, and the RelA NF-κB subunit (Carlson and Perdew 2002; Kumar and Perdew 1999; Mimura et al. 1999; Petrulis and Perdew 2002). Molecular mechanisms occurring downstream of AhR and possibly associated with cancer development, such as changes in cytosolic signaling proteins, calcium mobilization, tumor suppressor proteins, growth factors, oncogenes, and cell cycle proteins, have been characterized (Carlson and Perdew 2002; Enan et al. 1998; Matsumura 2003).
Recently, molecular epidemiology investigations have been conducted on random samples of the Seveso population highly exposed to TCDD (zones A and B) and from the reference noncontaminated area (non-ABR) to evaluate how TCDD exposure affects the AhR pathway in human subjects in vivo
(Baccarelli et al. 2004; Landi et al. 2003). Because of the extremely long biologic half-life of TCDD, plasma TCDD levels were still substantially elevated in the exposed subjects, particularly in females and older subjects (Landi et al. 1997). Experimental studies indicate that, after a transient increase, cellular levels of AhR decrease following TCDD binding (Pollenz 2002). Nearly 20 years after the Seveso accident, the levels of AhR transcripts (measured in uncultured peripheral blood lymphocytes) were decreased in the exposed subjects and negatively correlated with current plasma TCDD levels (Landi et al. 2003). These results show that TCDD exposure causes a persistent alteration of the AhR pathway in human subjects and are consistent with down-regulation of this receptor, comparable with that observed in several other receptor-mediated systems (Pollenz 2002). The impact on the health of exposed individuals of the persistent decrease of AhR transcripts, which in turn may affect any AhR-regulated biologic function, is to be clarified. Down-regulation tends to decrease the amount of receptor available for ligand binding and to attenuate the resulting biologic responses. Thus, the AhR, like most receptor systems, may have high initial sensitivity to the ligand, whereas in the presence of high amounts of TCDD, down-regulation would buffer against excessive ligand-induced responses. High initial levels of exposure, rather than low persisting exposures, may be associated with the highest effects. In the industrial cohorts, cumulative exposure predicts cancer excess. However, it is likely that cumulative and peak exposures are highly correlated among industrial workers. The new evidence from animal studies and on the AhR should be used to refine quantitative risk assessment of TCDD and could modify estimates on tolerable intake in humans. This evidence put together, supports the approach taken by IARC to consider the animal and mechanistic data in the evaluation of carcinogenicity of these compounds in humans.
Health Effects of Dioxins
“Everyone in industrialized countries has a potent mixture of dioxins, furans, co-planar PCBs, PCNs and other similar compounds stored and accumulated in their bodyfat. This chemical concoction of compounds in our bodies is likely to add together, making up a total dioxin-like toxicity: dioxins plus PCBs is equivalent to more dioxins.”
“ 2,3,7,8-TCDD (often known simply as TCDD) is known for its lethal effects at very low concentrations: a millionth of a gram will kill a guinea pig. However, the reasons for its potency are very subtle, and connected with its structural similarity to potent natural hormones. The power of hormones lies in their ability to act in trace amounts as chemical messengers controlling vital processes in the body. Thus, an accidentally produced contaminant, i.e. TCDD, from the chemical industry can act as a wrong key in the subtle system of trace chemical messengers in the body by mimicking the action of a hormone”.

Linear effects would substantiate dose response and establishing safe levels of exposure, which could be monitored. Non-linear effects would support no safe levels exist. The same arguments if applied to ETS would result in easily attainable safe levels in ventilation not possible under current inconsistent delegations.
Non Linear vs. Linear

Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes in Workers
Exposed to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Cox regression, using an internal comparison group with low exposure, found a statistically significant positive trend between all cancers (after a 15-year lag time) and cumulative exposure. Similar trends were present both for smoking-related cancers and non-smoking-related cancers, suggesting that the cancer findings were not limited to an interaction between TCDD and smoking. The finding of stronger trends with the logarithm of cumulative exposure rather than cumulative exposure itself indicates that the exposure-response trend is sublinear at very high doses, which in our data was probably a reflection of the extreme skewness of the exposure data.
The finding that the best lag time was 15 years (marginally better than a 10-year lag time) is consistent with current views that TCDD acts as both an initiator and promoter (25). Were TCDD to act as an initiator only, one might expect a longer lag of 20 years or more before the development of most tumors. Were TCDD to act as a promoter only, one might expect little or no lag. Because 1) there is still uncertainty about the basic biology of TCDD carcinogenesis, 2) our epidemiologic estimates of exposure are crude approximations of biologically relevant dose, and 3) statistical evidence is weak for favoring one lag time over another, we suggest that not too much interpretative weight be given to a finding that one particular lag period versus another provides a slightly better model.
For ischemic heart disease, there was only a modest trend of increasing SMRs with increasing exposure; the SMR for the highest category was 1.28 (95% CI = 0.92-1.72). However, internal analyses using Cox regression found statistically significant exposure-response trends. No lag time for heart disease was indicated in the Cox regression analysis, suggesting that any possible mechanism (e.g., an alteration of lipid profiles) occurred simultaneously with exposure. Because TCDD persists for a long time in the tissues [half-life, 8.7 years (26)], TCDD would be present for many years after exposure ceased, possibly resulting in a long-term effect.
Four industrial cohorts that served as a basis for IARC (1997) TCDD determination.
Study originally available to IARC in 1997a
Cancer SMR (95% CI) and definition of subcohort
No. of cancer deaths
Estimated TCDD at end of exposure
Exposure–response data for TCDD
Fingerhut et al. 1991
1.5 (1.2–1.8), > 1 year exposure, 20 years of latency (59% of cohort)
Mean 418 ppt (n = 119)
Positive significant trend (p < p =" 0.003)" href="" target="mainwindow">Steenland et al. (1999,
2001),c based on JEM and serum levels
Becher et al. 1996
1.3 (1.0–1.5), workers in two plants with documented chloracne and high serum TCDD levels
Plant 1: mean, 141 ppt (n = 190). Plant 2: mean, 402 ppt (n = 20)
Positive significant trend (p < href="" target="mainwindow">Flesch-Janys et al. (1995), in
Flesch-Janys et al. (1998; p = 0.01),c and in Becher et al. (1998; p = 0.03),c based on JEM and serum levels
Hooiveld et al. 1996
1.5 (1.3–1.9), workers in the most highly exposed plant (n = 549)
Geometric mean, 286 ppt (n = 48)
Medium- and high-exposure groups elevated (RRs = 4.7 and 4.1) versus low (
Hooiveld et al. 1998),c based on work history and serum levels
Ott and Zober 1996
1.9 (1.1–3.0), chloracne and ≥20 years’ latency (n = 113)
Geometric mean, 400 ppt (n = 138)
Positive significant trend (p = 0.05) in original 1996 publication, based on body burden
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; SMR, standardized mortality ratio.
IARC (1997; Table 38).
IARC (1997; Table 22).
cPost-1997 findings.

Environ Health Perspect. 2004 September; 112(13): 1265–1268.
Published online 2004 June 10. doi: 10.1289/ehp.7219.
Copyright This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original DOI.

Effects of Primary smoking 50 year study spanning over 100 years
Indications were the product became much more harmful over the years.
Participants 34 439 male British doctors. Information about their smoking habits was obtained in 1951, and periodically thereafter; cause specific mortality was monitored for 50 years.
Main outcome measures Overall mortality by smoking habit, considering separately men born in different periods.
Results The excess mortality associated with smoking chiefly involved vascular, neoplastic, and respiratory diseases that can be caused by smoking. Men born in 1900-1930 who smoked only cigarettes and continued smoking died on average about 10 years younger than lifelong non-smokers. Cessation at age 60, 50, 40, or 30 years gained, respectively, about 3, 6, 9, or 10 years of life expectancy. The excess mortality associated with cigarette smoking was less for men born in the 19th century and was greatest for men born in the 1920s. The cigarette smoker versus non-smoker probabilities of dying in middle age (35-69) were 42% v 24% (a twofold death rate ratio) for those born in 1900-1909, but were 43% v 15% (a threefold death rate ratio) for those born in the 1920s. At older ages, the cigarette smoker versus non-smoker probabilities of surviving from age 70 to 90 were 10% v 12% at the death rates of the 1950s (that is, among men born around the 1870s) but were 7% v 33% (again a threefold death rate ratio) at the death rates of the 1990s (that is, among men born around the 1910s).
Conclusion A substantial progressive decrease in the mortality rates among non-smokers over the past half-century (due to prevention and improved treatment of disease) has been wholly outweighed, among cigarette smokers, by a progressive increase in the smoker v non-smoker death rate ratio due to earlier and more intensive use of cigarettes. Among the men born around 1920, prolonged cigarette smoking from early adult life tripled age specific mortality rates, but cessation at age 50 halved the hazard, and cessation at age 30 avoided almost all of it.
James Repace’s political assessment of ETS harm
the combined lung cancer and heart disease mortality risk for office workers in a typical
smoking-permitted office as: ETSHI = 225 deaths per million exposed workers per year.
Assuming a 45-year working lifetime, this risk corresponds to a working lifetime risk of
(45)(225 deaths/million) = 10 deaths per 1000 persons at risk. Repace (2005) estimated
that the predicted respirable smoke particulate (RSP) concentration during work hours
corresponding to this risk is 211 Mg/m3. In fact, Repace (2004) measured an RSP
concentration of 205 Mg/m3 in the Delaware Park Casino in the U.S., with a
corresponding carcinogenic particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PPAH)
concentration of 163 nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) before a Statewide smoking
ban, and corresponding RSP and PPAH concentrations
**after the smoking ban of 9Mg/m3 and 4 ng/m3 respectively.
In a non-smoking environment, the measured levels of air would be 250 times the known safe level according to the USEPA.
Perhaps hurricane force winds in all enclosed public spaces could be the only solution short of massive evacuations.
at 80 Mg/m3, the risk would be (80/211)(10 per 1000) =
~ 4 per 1000 (rounded). Thus the estimated range in risk is between 4 and 15 per 1000,
with the most likely value, based on measured data in Table 1 above, about 10 combined
deaths from heart disease and lung cancer per 1000 workers per working lifetime of 45
years. This risk range is (10 per 1000)/(1 per 1,000,000) = 10,000 times the de minimis
or “acceptable” risk level. Therefore I find the LS proposal to be without merit

Compare the one in a million acceptable level of risk Repace references, a risk of; TCDD Dioxin or Radiation
In limit has remained at 0.006-pg/kg bw/day until the present. It was based on the assumption that dioxin caused cancer in the same way as radioactivity: i.e. just one molecule on the DNA could have an effect, leaving no safe level, only a level which can be predicted to cause a certain risk of cancer. The US EPA has a standard risk, deemed tolerable, of one in a million over a 70 year lifetime, and this was used to set the limit. Since most people take in far more than 0.006 pg/kg bw/day, enforcement of this limit would have huge implications for the industries producing dioxins. So, scientists have been employed to produce arguments against the EPA. A committee re-examined the Kociba slides and reclassified some of the tumours as benign. Millions of dollars were poured into investigations into the mechanism of dioxin. These have increased our knowledge but they have not established definitely whether or not dioxin causes severe health problems in human beings.the USA, a very low minimum risk intake was set for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, on the basis of cancer incidence in a large experiment on rats (Kociba, 1978).

Are TCDD results reflective of confounding, or simply increased accumulation from alternate sources?
The IARC classification of TCDD as a group 1 carcinogen (IARC 1997) has stirred some controversy. For example, Cole et al. (2003) argue that the original IARC classification of epidemiologic evidence for TCDD as “limited” (IARC 1997) was incorrect, claiming that “inadequate” would have been more appropriate (i.e., a causal interpretation was not “credible”). However, these authors ignored the original IARC focus on high-exposure subcohorts, ignored the positive exposure–response analyses, and raised the issue of possible confounding by smoking and other chemical carcinogens without any serious consideration of whether such possible confounding is likely, or whether it could account for the observed elevation of all-cancer mortality in those with higher TCDD exposure.
With normal levels beyond the levels of maximum harm risk, can ETS or other minor sources of Dioxins be seriously considered potential hazards in an environment where major Dioxin hazards cannot be avoided?
In our view, the epidemiologic and toxicologic evidence since the IARC (1997) classification of TCDD as a human carcinogen has strengthened the case for IARC’s decision. Furthermore, the dose–response assessments for TCDD and cancer indicate that TCDD exposure levels close to those in the general population may be carcinogenic and argue for caution in setting the upper ranges of long-term permissible exposure to dioxins.
Real physical testing for Dioxins in primary smoking.
Dioxins in cigarettes, smoke, and ash were determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The total concentration of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) in cigarette smoke was approximately 5.0 µ/m3 at the maximum level, whereas various cogeners from tetra-octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (-CDD) were detected. Particularly, the total concentration of hepta-CDD cogeners was the highest among these cogeners. Mass fragmentograms of various PCDD cogeners were similar to those in flue gas samples collected from a municipal waste incinerator. The PCDD cogeners that were not present in the cigarettes were found in the smoke samples. The 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD toxic equivalent value---an index for effects on humans—for total PCDDs in smoke was 1.81 nng/m3 using the toxic factor of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Daily intake of PCDDs by smoking 20 cigarettes was estimated to be approximately 4.3 pg. kg body/weight/day. This value was close to that of the ADIs: 1-5 pg. kg body/weight/day reported in several countries. A heretofore-unrecognized health risk was represented by the presence of PCDDs in cigarette smoke.

Actual measured levels in Cigarette smoke; Dioxins were found in the smoke although not in the cigarettes. Dioxins are produced by mixing Chlorine with organic materials and burning at low temperatures. This would indicate Dioxins are a significant harm in smoking. The 8.7-year half-life of Dioxins corresponds to the risk elevations with use, and identical timeframe predictable reductions in risk after cessation, of both products.

The Dioxin risk is not necessary as no Dioxins would be present if chlorine additives were prohibited.
Every smoking related disease is also significantly related to Dioxin poisoning.
Governments have somehow assessed the added mortality is an acceptable risk factor in allowing the Dioxin poisonings to continue. Quite hypocritical in relation to ETS being described, as no safe level exists citing 47,000 preventable deaths yet none of the 47,000 preventable deaths will be prevented with smoking bans. Primary smoke consumed in thousands of times higher concentrations is ignored. Convenient political positions allowing punishments and taxing of consumers and designed ignorance in respect to a harmful product, preventable deaths and deliberate failures in regulating product safety. This gives a new meaning to the term right honorable in respect to politicians and sheds a new light on the institutions who advise them and dole out the awards.

British Columbia Provincial Ministry of Health ”Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas, which is given off by traces of uranium in soil and rock. It is found at varying levels all over the world…. The Ministry of Health estimates that about 100 people a year die of radon induced lung cancer in the Province of British Columbia. Radon likely causes more lung cancers than second hand tobacco smoke.”

ETS lung Cancer risk is shown here to be below 100 in BC total population at levels averaging 163 NG/M3 air PPAH or 205 MG/m3 air RSP. 2/3 of Lung cancer patients are stated to be smokers. The risk is understandably much higher among smokers.
The smoke produced by the product can be banned for health reasons, yet the product is protected and remains on the shelf.

Repace calculations are purely political and have absolutely no merit as demonstrated herein. Repace is either deliberately deceptive in his presentations or completely ignorant in assessing a multitude of proven information. The volumes of Dioxin like content in tobacco smoke is not sustainable in comparison to actual amounts found in real scientific testing nothing short of 100,000 chain smokers in an unventilated smoking area could produce the levels he contends.

The proportions of PPAH assumed to be equal or more dangerous than dioxins risk can be calculated by ratio et al Repace submissions
[Brook v. Burswood Casino (1999); Badillo v. American Tobacco et al. (1998); Avallone v. American Tobacco et al. (1998); Mullen et al. v. Treasure Chest (1999); Dunn v. Napoleon’s Casino (2003)]
The existence of 163 Nanograms per cubic meter of air would exceed the known safe level in air water and food by 10,000 times this would establish the known safe level at or below 16.3 Pico grams per cubic meter of air. 1/10 the safe level of Dioxins established as safe et al The WTC monitoring. 160NG/M3 air quality was allowed flexibility in acceptable air standards as exposures would be as stated be one year in duration. Dioxin risk drops with cessation of exposure. We can therefore equate the risk of PPAH to the risk of Dioxins as shown to be Repaces intent. The Parroting of his assessments at the WHO and many Health departments around the planet confirms the consensus view is in total agreement with his submissions. No safe level exists and Designated smoking rooms can afford no protection. The existence of 4 NG/M3 of air as found in non-smoking environments should indicate a need to evacuate those buildings until a safe level can be established.

An average of RSP 205 MG/M3 contains PPAH 163 NG/M3 By calculation .08%
A single package of 25 cigarettes each producing 100 Mg RSP can produce 2500 MG total RSPs This would indicate by .08% calculation each package produces 2500 x .0008 = 2 milligrams PPAH with a risk to human health greater or equal to Dioxin with a known safe level not exceeding .16 NG/M3 determined from monitoring of the World Trade Center monitoring program in New York. The level of acceptable risk inhaling smoke produced by a single package of cigarettes; in PPAH, exposure is shown to be exceeded by 123 million times 2x 10-3 vs. .0163 x 10-12
Conclusions Assuming a smoker inhales 1/3 to 1/2 of total 2 Milligrams Dioxin like toxins produced this would establish an extreme health risk exists in the use of this product, which should prove fatal for all users. Regardless of the fact this has not been seen to be the case the established risk of second hand smoke, as the basis for smoking bans should remain consistent where a much larger harm is seen to exist Neil Coleslaw in his book exhibits a willingness to participate in efforts to in effect kill more smokers as the Industry is nationalized while destroying the industry from within. This of course would allow a new opportunity in new startup companies and illegal black market trade, which will grow market share as the national brands decline. Others in Anti ETS advocacy claim there is no proof Canadian Tobacco is any safer than other tobacco. We always had good reason to believe the control of additives Flue curing and regulated growing conditions would result in a safer product. Michael Hurley publicly stated recently there is absolutely no evidence to prove Canadian tobacco is any safer than products produced elsewhere. Good science is dismissed as are smokeless tobacco products known to reduce respiratory health risks enormously. Nicotine delivery products much more expensive in smoking patches are allowed advertising are promoted by government ministries despite potentially harmful side effects making them not an option for many. The product is protected and the victims are attacked decided by consensus view as best practices, pleasing all stakeholders, in, for all intents and purposes; a gold rush mentality constructing a huge health regime. Cigarettes should be immediately banned from use until such time as harmful ingredients can be removed in the interest of public safety. Monetary concerns have to remain secondary when public safety and the imminent deaths of millions of Canadian citizens hang in the balance. To err on the side of safety should be the dominant principle in a caring and just society. Not just a term recited when convenient for highroad positioning.
As we already know from multiple research findings of DSR technologies and if those findings are valid, it is indisputable “no safe level exists”. If in fact, dioxin is the predominant risk, as research would indicate. The banning of chlorine in cigarettes is a minimal action which could reduce the risk and eliminate virtually all substantial risk in second hand smoke {ETS} this of course would lower greatly the perceived necessity to impose smoking bans or smoking restrictions when scientific product safety evaluations could allay all fears in the public. This strategy of course would necessitate a re-evaluation of healthcare costs and smoker’s ultimate liability for those costs. Government; which through failure to remain consistent with environmental process and other lapses in good judgment, would have to shoulder a great deal of the blame and misdirected expense liability. Tobacco taxes collected should be returned to those who paid them unnecessarily in contravention of the Canada health act as special fees for health care.
Tobacco companies although largely responsible for distributing an unsafe product, did act to within a tightly monitored regulatory environment and were not directed to change operational standards in the absence of restrictions of the ingredients of their products. The Government and stakeholders in anti environmental tobacco smoke advocacy by ignoring the larger harm which is shown here to exist, are potential defendants in future class actions or as individual actions seeking damages will no doubt show; The presentations have consistently stated ETS is potentially more dangerous than primary smoke this is totally without merit. They knew of a higher risk to smokers yet took no action in the public interest to regulate ingredients or to remove the products from the shelf as has been the case in other products seen to be much less dangerous. Public trust in the largest charity and government organizations were deliberately franchised in false and misleading promotions decrying smoking directly as safer than the smoke produced. Prohibiting the sale and distribution of smokeless tobacco products has compounded the problem, this would give a false sense of security to the users believing anti side stream smoke campaigns to be purely political in nature benefiting those who do not like the smell. Convenient lack of knowledge of the stakeholders would be little defense considering the impact of those decisions. Perhaps in an effort to maintain credibility and expenditures of public money in exchange for best value a more balanced approach in assessing the validity of industry lobbies and media spin should be considered prior to future international embarrassments and poor managerial decisions. If excess funds are available within the charity organizations to finance the huge media promotions we have seen in Canada perhaps it is time to scrutinize those organizations and direct where goodwill donations actually go in organizations accepting funds stating funds will be used to find cures. If an organization promotes political mood it should be law they advertise purpose before accepting funds obviously intended to go elsewhere.
All participating stakeholders have deliberately been deceptive in descriptions of tobacco smoke and mortality outcomes. The proof can be found at Health Canada in Sammec research, which demonstrates a timeline dose response relationship not corresponding to smoking habits 20-30 years previously nearly as predominant as the exposures to environmental dioxins. The smoking patterns in 1976 were reduced significantly while dioxin levels were on the rise corresponding with the increases of mortality more obviously mirroring dioxin poisoning. The increases of many other related diseases more significantly attributed to dioxins have been increasing as smoking decreases. The existence of trace amounts of dioxins in cigarettes is ignored when assessing smokers exposed; painting a picture smoking has a more significant unrelated danger than dioxins although significant associations are evident consistently.
By reducing dioxin potentials in cigarettes we cannot help but reduce mortality in smoking, apparently not much interest is seen in reducing potential harm, more so collection of taxes and protecting industry positions is more predominant in stakeholders concerns. 47,000 preventable deaths are largely being ignored for self-important motivating factors in absence of civic responsibility, which could limit the mortality figures significantly with simplistic regulation removing chlorine and chlorine derivatives from tobacco products. Additionally Import regulations need to be significantly adjusted to conform to domestic growing and curing guidelines. Allowing the advertising and sale of smokeless tobacco products will significantly reduce disease and mortality of respiratory tract risks. If 47,000 preventable deaths are to be reduced, the focus should shift to the product and away from punishing the consumers.
Here is another laughable time waster, see if you can spot just the first 50 flaws in the long list of spin-doctored foolishness.
This one was cited around the planet if you can believe it. Right up there with global warming hype, claiming Polar Bears are dropping like flies from hypothermia no less.


In the UK in 1954, this is what was determined;,,1147463,00.html - article_continue
“What is already known on this matter is that there has been an increase in deaths from lung cancer in this country which began in 1919 and has continued ever since. That increase is much greater in males than in female in 1931, the number of deaths attributed to lung cancer in England and Wales was1, 358 for males and 522 for females. In 1952, there were 11,981 male and 2,237 female deaths from this cause. The highest mortality from lung cancer in males occurred in the 65-74 age group while in females the highest rate occurred in the 75 and over age group. Comparable increases have been reported in all countries from which reliable statistics are available. Tobacco smoking plays some part in this increase but it is certain that it cannot be the only factor since the disease occurs in non-smokers. All that can be said at present is that there is a presumption that smoking may cause lung cancer. Furthermore, although the risk of contracting the disease appears to increase with the amount smoked, particularly of cigarettes, no reliable estimate can be made of the precise effect of smoking.”
Prior to 1919 UK lung cancer was almost nonexistent by 1931 we saw 880 deaths in the next 20 years deaths increased to 14,218 Smoking certainly existed long before 1919 no significant increase in use occurred after 1919 which could equate the dramatic rise in cancer. So why was there such a dramatic increase between 1931 and 1952 in 20 years such a huge increase certainly should have an identifiable and specific cause. Doll in his research originally investigated asphalt as a possible cause of the Cancer increases, he abandoned this in favor of Tobacco quite a segue considering good science seemed to be on the right track in perusing oil products consistent with the increase in use, they mirrored identically the increase in mortality. Smoking although they announced at the time was a significant contributing cause, something else was going on here. Doll could not know of the interaction in use of asbestos in cigarette filters or the dangers of Dioxins in the increasing use of chlorine in the infancy of the growing cigarette industries. An industry which if responsible for the increases in cancer was well behind the actual mortality growth if you consider the now determined 20-30 year lag between use and onset of disease. The decreases in Tobacco use since 1960 in fact a 2/3 reduction also lacked a resulting decrease in mortality. The first decrease in cancers ever in fact corresponds perfectly with the decrease in environmental Dioxins since 1986 with a 8.7 year half life the reductions right on target showed mirrored reductions in cancers in 2003. Smoking bans therefore are necessary to preserve the lie, as we will see additional reductions in cancers as Dioxin levels continue to decrease.
" Johnny the envelope please"; The hypocrites in New York who supported a smoking ban are well aware a spike in Cancers will occur there soon due to environmental Dioxins caused by the 911 tragedy. When the cancer cluster is seen, it will be explained as surprising or may not be reported at all. The bans will not result in smoking related reductions to the contrary if you watch the timelines those reductions will not occur until 15 years after the tragedy. The ban fans will of course take credit for the reductions and move the dates to suit their means. The fact Dioxins have never been identified as a cause of cancer in smoking tells us a lot. The public believes science has not found a link, with proof in hand smoking could cause cancer why the hesitation in showing the proof? The answer is more dangerous than the question so it suits the stakeholder’s purposes to keep the mystery alive. Simply banning the use of chlorine from cigarettes could have saved the lives of millions. The resistance and cover-up of Agent Orange disease to American troops and how hard those affected had to fight to be compensated says a lot as well. The major effect of Agent Orange was long term Dioxin poisoning. Smokers in a class action could similarly prove with good science how governments have allowed Cancers and smoking related diseases to continue without regulation simply to cover up the bigger lie; the cause of the majority of those so called smoking related diseases more correctly they should have been coined Oil related diseases. At minimum Dioxin related diseases, which are undoubtedly, the major causes of preventable death among those who smoke. This can be shown with sound reproducible science. No estimates of epidemiology studies were ever needed other than to cast doubt on the truth and mire those who really seek to protect health down in tar pits of bureaucracy designed to stop them.
When Doll made the link between smoking and cancers, it has to be questioned why he decided to change direction and the fact the scientific community has abandoned the link to petrochemical products and burning of oil in the 50-year span since. The link to smoking already established although not explained research dollars have been predominantly focused on the tobacco link while funding for the more obvious culprit has been scarce. It took 50 years of battling the medical community in fact for the American EPA to finally list Diesel fuel as a carcinogen although science had proven consistently the huge risk in inhaling fuel and burned fuel fumes. Epidemiology was not necessary to prove consistently in Petrie dish testing, the danger was extreme. Since that listing little public concern has been raised in avoiding a scientifically sound provable danger, primarily because the statistically insignificant proof of ETS has been promoted in fear mongering media purchases. Campaigns designed in order to save government the embarrassment of real proof they were deliberately increasing the death toll. Global warming tripe that seeks to reduce CO2 while ignoring NOX and SOX emissions are consistent with the planned ignorance and refusal to deal with real hazards to community. In an age of information, the facts are getting harder to hide under the rugs of irresponsible politicians who proudly chant the phrase “preventable deaths” while conveniently avoiding legislative measures, which could prevent them. Petrochemical industries still carry the big stick in directing government opinions. The same oil companies as participating NGOs at the World health Organization and through Philanthropy contribute to a lot of medical institutions and Charity medical foundations, have in effect bought themselves a free pass, allowing tremendous death and disease to be excused, in profiting from the media promoted ideals. Public perceptions created of announced goodwill donations and feel good awards ceremonies inventing societal heroes. Heroes such as Sir Doll or Heather Crow who received accolades not for service to society rather service to politicians and industries who are grateful for their efforts. Anti smoker advocates worldwide have in effect protected the Cigarette manufacturers and assured growing profits in lowering operating costs, increased value of the product and allowed no responsibility for health risks associated with sales of products with known unsafe ingredients. Anti smokers, consistently state there is no proof one tobacco could be safer than another despite growing restrictions and flue curing methods reducing the dangers of Tobacco. Additional ingredients are added without restriction or question of those claiming to be driven by the protection of others. Obviously, these lobbies have values that are more important in mind. If Hospitality workers were the targets of protections, how would their numbers compare to the amount of people, who smoke and could be protected significantly, with a few minor ingredient restrictions? With all the anti Tobacco research money, flowing for the past 55 years it is amazing no conclusions on the safety of the product or the manufacture of cigarette products have been discovered aside from “it is all unsafe”. The grouping of “all smoking” as opposed to individual products in a wide brush claim is irresponsible and could lead to embarrassment in legal proceedings with no clear description in what is being called tobacco smoke. Source of tobacco smoke is entirely relevant in deriving a risk. Which brands which ingredient mixtures and percentage of if any tobacco included has never been disclosed? The reality of those products; if made safer could in fact reduce many deaths, which of course would reduce the need for smoking bans or governments funding the chemical industry advocates. Attacking the victim while promoting the product as with smoking is an indefensible position.
Perhaps another look at the facts and the players would explain the discrepancies the fact Rockefeller was convicted of unfair business practices dividing standard oil into 4 companies did not limit the ability of those in the industry to continue with domination principles. The control of American medicine by the Rockefellers could add some understanding to the events. Historically what happened in the 20-year frame, which saw such a dramatic, increase in lung cancers, an increase which has not been explained for the following 50 years? The real cause had to be known yet was allowed to continue; smoking was most likely just a convenient scapegoat. The size and influence of the tobacco industry was after all dwarfed in comparison to the oil and auto industries. The Second World War happened in the 20-year interim. An increase of Industrialization and use of oil which has increased consistently since. Smoking neither in the 20 year time frame or the 20 year or 30 year periods before the increases in cancer saw smoking increases equating the increased disease. The Oil companies in fact with the invention and production of cars starting in the early 1900s and increasing slowly at first before the Second World War and enormously since 1931 combined with war machinery produced to fight the war could be the only scientifically sound explanation for the new cancer phenomenon.
If you ask an oncologist most would tell you exposure to gasoline fumes is the predominant cause of brain tumors yet not one of them would put it in writing for fear of being attacked by the oil companies. The known safe level of Benzene is one part per million in air yet in Gasoline one part per hundred is the norm. Gas storage tanks are vented without restriction in residential neighborhoods throughout North America. The self-serve gas bar has worked well for the oil companies in reducing risk to oil company workers and avoiding scrutiny by adjusting the numbers. Now most of the workers sit inside the building away from constant exposure to the fumes.
Good science can always discredit great propaganda. Some realization of the big picture could show a lot of us the solutions to the current fear and hate campaign of the tyrants in anti smoker advocacy.


Here is one of the best examples I can offer in what your taxes are purchasing.
Just because you smoke
Indefensible in any perspective you can imagine.
Do you really know what they are selling you with a Government seal of approval?
Chlorinated parts of typical cigs.
· The paper.
· About a third of the 450 tobacco pesticides...about two doz. pesticide residues per cig...about a third of them, one estimates, are chlorinated.
· Any of the many agricultural products in the list of non-tobacco additives.
· Likely ALL of the non-tobacco cellulose materials used to make fake-tobacco. This includes the Loblolly pine, which may be contaminated pine waste. (I thought they just ground up trees to make the paper-like stuff they...and our media and officials AND phony "anti smoking" groups call "Tobacco".)
This study was cited by Lois Gibbs in her book, “Dying from Dioxin”. The Environmental Protection Agency’s 1995 “Re-evaluating Dioxin” cited this study as well. Both pointed out that studies are scarce. This could be due to widespread influence of chlorine industries. The EPA, in “Re-evaluating Dioxin”, acknowledged that dioxins are not considered likely in nature (i.e., not in tobacco) but are from man-made (Dow-invented) chlorine. Note also that, according to Green peace dioxin experts, inhalation of incinerated dioxins presents a health risk over a thousand times greater than other exposure routes. Still legal in cigarettes.
Don’t you believe for a moment the Government is not profiting handsomely for your “Sin taxes”. More appropriately coined special billing for healthcare according to the politicians illegal if you respect the rules of the Canada Health act which all parties in Canada swear are sacred. A sin used to refer to an immoral or illegal act not simply purchasing and under the tort contract in the agreement to purchase the legal product a right to use it. Many who smoke started when it was normal everywhere anyone could smoke without restriction. Now the rules are changing for lifetime smokers with a very difficult habit to break and for many a habit they do not wish to break after all the government as a majority partner in cigarettes making the most profit from selling them to you never indicated at some point they would punish you for using this legal product. Now they want to change the rules and ally themselves with another industry and stab their own partner in the back. They will not punish the partner in fact they will punish you. Demanding you use the other companies product or mercenaries will be paid your own tax contributions to make your life miserable. For 6 Million Canadians your own government has chosen you, to be the focal point of a hate and smear campaign. Teaching your own children in school to look down upon you as you harm others, smell like dog crap and kill defenseless babies, with only theoretic proof to substantiate the claims. The reality is theoretic or no proof at all, they never cared if any proof would ever be found, they committed to the US industry controlled World health Organization in a contract. A commitment to undermine Provincial authority and through three general elections since, hid the fact that contract existed, denying the public a chance to decide a major issue and a campaign to divide us once again in a promotion of hate. The opposition parties do not walk away from this clean it was their responsibility to inform you as well they too held their piece apparently amused in league with the give the smokers another kick mentality popular among the media groups. All parties amused apparently by the inappropriate hate campaign of a government against their own citizens.
Show me the money
Believe it or not on your dime they provide prospective lobby group partners the tools to organize and finance lobbies of their own so Government can pay them to lobby against you in the ever growing Health scam network all paid for with your taxes. If this is not criminal what ever could be, in respect to a government at war with the population they have sworn to serve. It gets confusing here can you see this as an effort of service, or a turn of the tables.
Training the partners in organized crime
If hospitality workers demand protection, make them wear safety equipment like any other trade where a danger is perceived to exist. Steel toe boots and hardhats are acceptable precautions why did we not ban sharp objects or the forces of gravity? As for the general public if they wish to avoid cigarette smoke, placing a sign on the door will suffice in warnings where smoke may be encountered. When larger dangers exist in outdoor air the futility of smoking bans becomes laughable. Simple ideas do serve well if common sense and credible science were allowed to prevail. If smoking does cause such a degree of death and destruction, why has the government not banned it decades ago? Pot smoking was banned although no such dangers have been claimed allowing for the profits of organized crime to flourish while the cost of policing and incarcerations soared. Perhaps in keeping with the stability of government; respect needs to be maintained. In that light how could a government admit the causes of cancers and smoking related diseases might be actually more strongly related to other causes and Government actions. The identity of those causes might prove expensive to those really producing the devastation and to political support of those holding the bulk of the wealth and favors owed through philanthropy. If people started to realize how little control governments really have, many would question why should we continue to pay taxes or listen to the rule of law, when those laws are seen to be products for sale to the highest bidder.
Smokers need to wake up, the answer to their plight was there all along; start asking politicians how you could possibly defend such inhumane attitudes toward law abiding friends and neighbors in self gratuitous promotion of sin taxes and industry protections. If smoking is to be seen as not normal so too should government be forced to break a lot of their bad habits. It is time Political parties were sued for misleading advertising and be made to pay for the mishandling of Trillions of dollars over the years lining the pockets of their friends and reinventing the rules as they go. If they are not stopped and punished the problem will only grow regardless of who is at the helm. The Human rights commission refuses to acknowledge complaints have been made and by ignoring those complaints, they avoid what they know to be an indictable offense. Join the chorus and demand action keep up the pressure long enough and they will be forced to act, put the Canadian government on trial in front of the world.
Smokers beyond the value of theoretic research can show real sound evidentiary proof Tobacco plays a small role in what are claimed to be smoking related diseases despite what the current witch hunt slogans and ad agency preparations have inspired. For evaluation of the present, we can look to the proof in historical context to illustrate the huge inconsistencies in what is being promoted.

In the 1950s in the UK and later by the American surgeon general the claims Tobacco is the root cause of all major diseases in the industrialized world. With this in mind why was the industry allowed to grow while little complaint or restrictions of ingredients were established for the following 55 years? Has the Government been negligent in their duty to protection of it’s citizens or are they already aware the public perception in harm assessment is dead wrong? With the invention of smoking bans, no common sense or degree of intelligence can explain; with the levels of concentrations consumed, how can the danger to non-smokers be greater than the danger to smokers without considerable manipulation of scientific opinion? Too many inconsistencies with too little explanations beyond the attack of the curious as an industry, advocate while the ban fans consistently direct themselves to the benefit of the Tobacco industry while punishing the victims.


The evidence is right here

Illegal acts of Government,
Marketing with preventable deaths as the sales pitch.
At the same time refusing to prevent them.

This bears repeating;
If you as a smoker wish to regain your self-respect stop saying, you are sorry. Stop agreeing with the claims tobacco is dangerous in fact it is not, some cigarettes are, no one is interested enough to tell us which. Cigarettes are a legal product the use of which does not afford others the right to steal your rights as an individual; The right to employment, Housing, Healthcare and Security of the person under the law. If the government seeks to change the rules or the norm, they should do so with respect to all who are affected. Creating hate campaigns against their own citizens is a criminal act which should be punished. If you wish them to stop attacking you, your indefensible position as a smoker needs to be replaced by their indefensible position as promoters of hatred and paid industry stooges.
Your rights As posted in the British Medical Journal.
“The right to health relevant information derives from the principles of autonomy and self direction and has been recognised in international declarations. Providing accurate health information is part of the basis for obtaining “informed consent” and is a recognised component of business ethics, safety communications, and case and product liability law. Remarkably, anti-tobacco and pro-tobacco sources alike have come to emphasise the message that there is “no safe cigarette” or “no safe tobacco product”. We propose that the “no safe” message is so limited in its value that it represents a violation of the right to health relevant information. There is a need to go beyond saying, “there is no safe tobacco product” to indicate information on degree of risks. The “no safe tobacco” message does not contradict, for example, the mistaken belief that so called light or low tar cigarettes are safer choices than higher tar cigarettes. We encourage a kind of “rule utilitarian” ethical position in which the principle of truth telling is observed while trying to produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Although harm reduction approaches to easing the burden of tobacco related diseases are founded on science based comparative risk information, the right to health information is independently related to the need to promote health literacy. This right should be respected whether or not harm reduction policies are judged advisable.”

Proof of an unwillingness to act.

This email exchange with representatives of the Canadian government attempts to make the government aware of a public health issue affecting 6 million smokers as reported,
“Thousands of people could die unnecessarily as a result.” . Here is absolute proof they do not give a dam and the blinders are firmly in place.
The exchange reads from bottom up quite shocking.

RepliesHello Kevin, Call the number I suggested and they can advise youThis is not under Product Safety.
2006-02-10 01:20 PM
To: Tor Prodsafe
Subject: Re: WWW Form Submission
Hello Sue;
I appreciate your quick response. The issues at the link I provided go well beyond the capabilities of a Tobacco control advisory. The issues are more properly issues of the federal Health and Environment Ministries. The assessments made suggest nothing is being done regarding Dioxins in Cigarettes and the environment, thousands of people could die unnecessarily as a result. Is the Government even aware of the Dioxin levels in cigarettes and how easily they could be removed?
Hello Kevin,
For your inquiry you can call the Tobacco Branch at 416-954-9825.
Sue (Kevin Deleted)
2006-02-06 12:49 PM
Subject: WWW Form Submission Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by Kevin
on Monday, February 06, 2006 at 12:49:12
realname: message:
I am trying to understand how the Government is positioned in the idea Dioxins in smoking are actually the primary cause of most cancers although not well reported in the popular media. I would like someone to interpret the following research I found at a smokers rights website. Could you let me know if this is valid, and if so is the Government planning to do something to stop it? If Dioxins are so dangerous it does make sense they do not belong in Tobacco products.
Best Regards;